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kaeya said one of his friends would be there to guide me too if I needed any help. I sat on the chair not too far away from the board.
notebook already out with the essentials I needed. students were already walking in, there weren't many of them to be honest. i guess that's expected for an art major...
"y/n?" a blonde boy in glasses called out my name, smiling. "Mr albedo?"

"yes, that is me indeed. I'm kaeya's friend, I assume he has already told u?" he said as he shook my hand. "yeah, he did. I didn't really expect to meet u so soon aha, it's nice to meet u though"

"the pleasure is all mine. well I usually sit right next to u, so if u ever need any help, I'm always available " he smiled again. he seemed nice, just like how kaeya had said...although ofcourse, kaeya was literally spewing out flowers for this guy..."thank u very much" i smiled back at him.

just as we were exchanging a few more slightly art related conversations, he walked in...the person I least wanted to see right now...
for some very cliché reason, I felt my eyes fixated on him, again. albedo who seemed to have noticed my diverted attention, surely had followed my gaze, understanding immediately what was going on....he pushed his glasses back.

scaramouche looked back at me, making an eye contact that I was too nervous to hold. I looked away but I was sure I had seen a smirk on his face.
that jerk...
he looked even more attractive right now for some reason. an even worse problem..
a blue jacket draping over his shoulders, the same black shirt from yesterday underneath it. Same chains around his neck, his hands in his pocket. and he wore red eyeliner around his eyes today.
archons have I ever found a man wearing eyeliner this attractive...
just as my thoughts were being clouded, I was hit back to reality when I remembered what hu tao and yanfei had told me.
I really needed to stay away from this guy, I cannot upset hu tao and yanfei after all their warnings...
albedo leaned a little closer, a close enough range to whisper. he smelled like chalk and paint....I guess that's expected of an art student...

"little advice from someone who has been played twice by that man, u should stay away from him. he's not a very good person to hang around..." he whispered out.
played twice?
I looked at albedo shocked, mouthing the word twice at him in a questioning manner.
"what do u mean played..?"
albedo coughed out a little.
a red dust covered the tip of his ears.
surely he didn't mean-

oh my God...
I felt myself flush too, no way was this man was going around the campus toying with both sides...
"it's okay, u don't have to explain...I..I..  think I get it" I nervously laughed out, trying to ease the now very awkward atmosphere.
this man's flags were no where green, and his color was definitely a bold red...

just as I turned around, he was already standing there . he smiled at me, again. this time it was not a sweet or teasing smile. it was a sinister and mischievous one....oh god, what does he want from me and why is he looking at me like that...

there was another boy behind him that I had never seen before. he had blueish black hair, ends of his hair were dyed blue. sharp eyes and a purple tattoo on his forehead. he seemed pretty attractive too, however, it made him look less attractive in front of scaramouche who was practically glowing in this room right now.

girls around the room were also singing praises about him too. however the whispers....seemed more directed towards me, than him at the moment...
the kind of attention jealousy attracts. hoe unbecoming....
"dude what r u doing?" the blue haired boy called out as he eyed me with a furrowed look on his face. I wanted to drown myself at that moment with the look he was giving me. it was a look one would give a person who is cursed...
"I'll be sitting here today xiao, next to this pretty lady right here" he announced to his friend as he sat down next to me.
what in the world....
his friend seemed remotely surprised before he shrugged and took a seat next to him. the girls around us started to whisper once again, assuming all sorts of bullshit one can assume.

great....I'm the center of attention already at my first day in class..

"hello again pretty" he leaned in closer, his breath tickling my ears. he smelled like vanilla and fresh laundry....completely diferent from the wrenching smell of alcohol from last time....

how bad I had wanted to crawl into a hole at that moment because I was so sure anyone could notice my flustered face right now...
I turned around to look at him. he was too close....way too close, that he was invading my personal space. and i didn't mind that, which was an even bigger problem.
"y/n, do u have an extra pencil?" albedo called out sensing I might need a little help. archons had sent an angel next to me because I really needed a distraction from this man seated on my right.
"oh yeah. I sure do"

I definitely felt his stare at me...."y/n? thats ur name? a very pretty name for such a pretty girl like u" he chuckled.
his friend beside him rolled his eyes.

u sure would have not said that when u were drunk...asshole...

he was so corny, using such popular antics on me and holy shit was it working...

I was too flustered to even respond back to him so I stayed quite instead. "damn, ur ignoring me?" he chuckled, faking a sad expression.
oh how I wanted to say no...
I can't.
I've been literally warned by 3 people already about this man, I absolutely cannot risk to lose it. not for a man whos only all looks and games...I just looked away. the class was about to start anyways.

"would u like to have lunch with me today?" he whispered out again.
albedo earlier had passed me out a note that went unnoticed by scaramouche. the note was practically saying if scaramouche asked to have lunch with me, I should decline by saying I was having lunch with albedo instead since having lunch with scaramouche meant an instant hook up.

was I looking to hook up with this attractive man? yes. no, i wasnt

I looked back at him, my eyes begging to drift towards his lips. I gulped...
god why was this was so hard to decline.
"I'm sorry, I'm having lunch with albedo instead " I spoke out In a whisper, making sure the teacher doesn't hear us.
he clicked his tongue. "well that sucks, must be boring hanging around nerds" he retorted as he eyed albedo who was glaring at him with the same sinister look as scarmouche was.
the tension...was real...
"alright, this wraps up the lesson for today.  don't forget to work on ur assignment and inspiration skills after this, u are dismissed now" the professor clapped his hands dismissing everyone.

scaramouche got up too, slinging his bag on his shoulder lazily. "I'll see u around pretty girl" he winked before he made his way out.
what a classic douche....

guess I'll actually be having lunch with albedo.

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