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like hell...
oh but I did wanna stay here with him.

I raised a brow at his comment to which he gave a sheepish smile. "come on, I'm not gonna bite u. the entire beds for u, I'll be sleeping on the couch. u can have the bed" he said as he stood up, slipping himself off from the comfortable mattress of the couch.

I just looked at him with wide eyes. is this really the same man everyone is telling me to avoid?

if so, how many other girls...or boys, as albedo would put, has he said all of this to?

I couldn't see his face and I hesitated to answer to which he took it as a "yes"

and here I was...in his bed, inside his blanket, on his pillows that smelled exactly like him...
on a bed of someone I've barely known for 2 weeks now as he sleeps on the couch of his very own dorm room.

"don't you have a roommate?" the sudden urge to break the ice cold silence made me speak up.

i turned to look over to his direction.
he hummed.
"i do. but..." his voice trailed off.
"she's on a vacation"


I wonder if he has said the same things, done the same things for her too.
the air was suddenly too thick.

who am I to feel this way towards his roommate either way? I don't even know her..

"ah, I see"

"u need to stay away from that ginger though" he suddenly spoke up making me frown at his words.

"are u talking about Ajax?"

"u seem very familiar and close to him to be using his first name " he sarcastically spoke making me stiff.
I thought Ajax was his friend?

I felt my brows furrow at his words. "he's ur friend though"

he chuckled. "sure is"

there was no emotion in his words, no sadness, no jealousy, nothing. pure monotonous tone he had.

it made me wonder if the special treatment I've been receiving from him so far was all an act too....
an act he probably has pulled on many other girls...

maybe his roommate too...

why was I so concerned about his roommate either way...

"whats ur roommate's name?"

ur out of ur mind y/n...it really isn't a big deal.

scaramouche turned his head to face me as he got up. a wicked smile on his face.
"awe, are u jealous?"

I hate to admit it but I am, I will never tell him that though.
"jealous of what exactly?" I laugh at his words.

how ironic...

he lied back down, "her name's ei, she's My older sister actually"

older sister?


all those doubts felt so stupid all of a sudden.
I silently cursed Myself inside.

"ur allowed to share rooms with ur siblings?"

"u speak so much, u should sleep right now u know. it's late"

he cut me short..

what an asshole...
he invites me in and then refuses to answer my questions.

it felt like he didn't really like his roommate much despite her being his sister.
family problems I guess...

I didn't bother to question him further and closed my eyes to fall asleep..

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