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u never mentioned his phone ringing and ringing when he comes back. instead u opt to silently drink the drinks he brings back to u, to which scara thinks is very off for u to be suddenly so quite.

he raises a brow and looks at u as if expecting u to say something. u look at him with raised brows as if asking if something was wrong.

oh how u wanted to ask who the girl ringing his phone continuously was. but in what place were u to ask such a question?

he opted on starting the conversation himself. "how's ur anatomy practice going?" he asked. ah anatomy...

"good. I actually learned through the help of some people"

the mention of u getting help from someone caught his attention.

"who?" and before he knew it, he was being nosy and rushed to ask that. but when realization hit, he quickly covered it up with another sentence. "I haven't seen u around for a while thats why" he tried to mask which was failing horribly.

his curiosity was making u feel butterflies and it made u smile. u chuckled. "hu tao. I asked her to help me sketch some poses and stuff, and asked her to buy me an anatomy book" when u mentioned ur cousin, it was like a weight off his shoulders and he chuckled swirling his iced coke in a circle to mix it.

u both stayed silent for a while. despite such excitement of his curiosity, u felt an uneasy feeling in ur stomach as u stared at his phone, dazed, without realizing he noticed and his eyes darted to his phone as he tapped the screen twice to check for notifications. and that's when u suddenly snapped out of ur daze and shook ur head looking else where while scara checked his phone and was rather shocked to see who had sent so many damn messages to him.

he knew u saw those probably. he didn't want u to. but he knew u did.

"do u wanna hang out later?" he asked, breaking the silence once again. "sure. where?" ur response was rather nonchalant, it didn't have that usual enthusiasm u would carry, something he noticed.."u pick, my dorms messy right now so not the dorm for sure. "he chuckled making u smile too.

"yeah and we can't have Ajax getting mad at us for staying in mine so..." u imagined ajax's expression. and for some reason, u calling his friends name, his name only used by either close friends or family members irked him off.

it always did. he hated every second of whenever u would say Ajax so nicely.

and he hated how much it affected him.

u on the other hand saw nothing wrong with that, never suspected anything with ajax's behavior too, Even when scara had caught on to it. he knew something was up with the way Ajax defended u at times on the table, or when he had ditched some group plans to spend more time with u because u guys "are roommates and need to be good friends ", something about his intentions...made scara feel very unsettled.

some sort of sinister jealousy and beef grew within the two in the group that made them somewhat distance, and the only person to catch onto that was kazuha..who had infact, told beidou who later told kaeya which lead to what kaeya had started to see as well. altho more smarter himself he definitely had caught on wayyyy before beidous interpretation but he didnt want to admit that. he shared some classes with Ajax and sometimes, he did notice the man smiling ear to ear when his phone ringed, and he assumed maybe u had texted.

kaeya himself hated to admit, that he would rather u end up with Ajax than scaramouche. even tho they were part of the same asshole group but for some reason, after today's conversation his mind might have switched sides.

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