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Warning, SLIGHT NSFW PRESENT IN THIS CHAPTER. I'm not going to write full on smut here but there is slight NSFW starting here.

the coast will be clear at

 "I wouldn't want u to get involved with bad news either u know"

I looked up at him , as he moved away taking a puff and blowing it out in the air.

his hair slightly slicked back, and his eyes slightly red from either smoking too much or drinking.

I flinched slightly when he came closer and blew out the smoke on my face making my face scrunch.

I blew out the smoke away from my face, taking the cigerrate off my lips.

he chuckled. "I didn't know u smoked, should've told me sooner. we could've done it together u know" he smirked.

I cringed at his words. the look he was giving me was one of those looks that said he probably thought I was one of those dirty little traitors who come to him for the wrong things.

I threw the cigarette away and crushed it.

"i dont want to smoke with u, u look no fun to smoke with" I spoke, my voice a little hoarse from the few puffs I took off the cigerrate.

as I turned around to leave, he grabbed my hand turning me around abruptly once again.

a confused expression visible on his face, as he took another blow from the cigerrate and then put the Same cigerrate on my lips next.

"once in a while doesn't hurt either though does it?"

he spoke up, his distance from me, not that far at all.

at this point, I just took the cigarette and smoked,

on his face.

he smiled even harder, a toothy grin on his harsh features.

what am I even doing right now.

honestly I didn't know, but it felt good. really good, especially when his hands started sneaking up on my waist and he pulled me closer.

"now that's a good girl" I cringed slightly at his words.

"ur kinda corny " I blow out another one.

he laughs, pulling me even closer.

"and ur cute. " he smiles.

it is one of his killer smiles, the ones, the ones I really got smitten by.

the ones that seemed sincere.

I scrunch up my face a little as he takes the cigarette away from me completely discarding it to the side.

I don't even have the time to see where it went, or if it could burn the carpet in the hall,  or if someone was nearby and saw us and what would they think.

what would Ajax think if he saw us.

he moved closer, almost inches away from my face as his eye contact felt even...deeper.

as if he was trying to get through me, trying to say something.

and it made me very, lightheaded.

this is so wrong, I shouldn't be doing this.

my hands automatically went to his hair, playing with a few strands on the end of his mullet.

he closed his eyes, letting himself bask in the touch.

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