CHAPTER 19 - Forever Lasts Forever [By Jenn]

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LONDON, 1652

When Stuart first met Phillip, Phillip was just a lost boy aged of around six years old. Phillip didn’t know anything about himself. He didn’t know where he was from and he spoke English with a thick German accent. All he knew was his name and it was Phillip – nothing else. Stuart was married to his late wife for 25 years when she died out of cancer. They were happy but they weren’t blessed with a child. Stuart became an influential man in the late 1640s. He gained his wealth during the English Civil War by tenure of timber estates. He was now remarried to a widow whom had two beautiful daughters. Phillip, whom he adopted, now in his teenage and being the son of a wealthy man, looked extremely neat and handsome. His glittering blue eyes can draw attentions from any teenage girls around him. He was tall and had a strong build. People of the town would refer to the family as perfect. The English Civil war had just ended a few years back and Stuart’s wealth continue to grow with the timber business he ran in Ewell.

Phillip woke up that morning to the smell of chamomile tea by his bedside. Their loyal servant, Aurora, was just about to leave the room at the time. “Oh!” Phillip exclaimed and yawned. “I am sorry to wake you up, sir.” Aurora apologized. Phillip smiled and said, “It is fine, Aurora. Did father asked you to bring breakfast to my room as he usually did?”

Aurora nodded. Then, Phillip said, “Just please do not listen to him. I can get myself to the dining room if I wanted to eat. He will spoiled me eventually, you know.”

Aurora smiled and said, “Please excuse me. I will be in the kitchen if you need me.” Phillip nodded and Aurora left the room. He sighed at the sight of the breakfast and ate them, anyway.

When Phillip was done cleaning himself and getting ready to visit the estate with Stuart, he went to the dining room to find his father, his stepmother and his stepsisters there still having breakfast and talking excitedly. When Stuart saw Phillip, he sipped his last cup of tea and said, “Are you ready, my boy?”

Stuart’s wife, Jacqueline smiled at Stuart, seeing how happy he was to bring Phillip to his proud estate in Ewell. She was a lovely woman in her forties. Her eyes were green as emeralds and her curly, black hair was properly tied into a bun unleashing a sight of a true lady. Her eldest daughter, Elizabeth, was thirteen and her youngest daughter, Francesca, was nine. Elizabeth was a beautiful young lady with a mysterious look. She was mostly calm and did not say much. She had silky black hair, slanted brown eyes and luscious pink lips. She looked much older than her age. Francesca was completely different than Elizabeth, she acted more like a boy and she talked a lot. She played in the woods, jumped into mud and ran around the farm backyard. But she was beautiful, nevertheless, she inherited her genetic mostly from her father. She had dirty blonde hair and large blue eyes. Her skin was pale and her cheek was pink most of the time. They were both eating the food at the dining table in a different manner. Elizabeth ate graciously like a lady and Francesca ate the meal voraciously like a young boy. Phillip stared at Elizabeth and found that she was very attractive but he also felt a mixture of hatred as to how she looked so perfect. He then wondered how she would look like when she grew up or when she died.

Then, Phillip quickly shook off the thoughts and replied to his father’s question, “Yes father. I’m ready!” And so, Stuart stood up from where he was seating as he said, “Ladies, please excuse me.”

Then he kissed Jacqueline’s cheek and walked out of the house with Phillip to the carriage waiting for them outside.

10 years later…

LONDON, 1662

Phillip returned home after the Anglo-Dutch War in the North Sea. He represented Stuart for the Commonwealth of England. He was not engaged much in battlefield. He was attached as a journalist recording most of the events that took place during the war for Robert Blake. At 29, Phillip looked extremely handsome and he became the center of attention again as soon as he entered the town on his way back home. Waiting for him was Stuart, Jacqueline, Elizabeth and Francesca. He stepped out of the carriage and the first person to greet him was Stuart. He hugged Stuart and said, “You look younger everyday!” Stuart laughed. Then, Phillip glanced over to Jacqueline, Elizabeth and Francesca with a nod to acknowledge their presences. Phillip was surprised to witness before his eyes the most beautiful woman ever, Elizabeth. She was more beautiful than how he’d imagined her to be. He smiled at her and she did not return the smile, she only nodded.

That night, they were all sitting together at the dining table. Stuart was asking Phillip about the war and Phillip answered all his questions. “We should go hunting tomorrow!” Stuart suggested. “Oh dear, Phillip had just returned. I am sure he is exhausted from the long trip.” Jacqueline interrupted. “True. We should go by the end of the week, then.” Stuart said and smiled like a proud father. Then, Phillip said, “I agree. I miss the woods. I have been on the ship scourging the sea for too long.”

“Then, I will go with the two of you!” Francesca said. Jacqueline furiously denied her by saying, “No! You are not going hunting!”

They both argued for a while until Elizabeth suddenly said, “I will go, too.”

Jacqueline eyed Elizabeth curiously and so as the rest of the family. Then, Elizabeth said, “Been a long time since I ride a horse.”

“Okay then. Elizabeth and Francesca can join us.” Stuart said, smiling.

3 years later…

LONDON, 1665

There were laughter and small chattering echoing through the woods. It was a beautiful evening as Phillip and Elizabeth shared a basketful of breads and honey. The river stream next to them was peaceful and soothing. There were in love for almost three years without the knowledge of their family. “Phillip, how long are we going to see each other secretly?” She asked. “I do not know, my dear. I wished I had the courage to confront father but I’m afraid thing would change once they knew.” Phillip answered.

“I only want you. I want to be with you forever.”

“I promise you I will be with you forever.”

Then, Phillip kissed Elizabeth and sunk deep into their love. From the distance, Francesca was watching them. Then, she ran home to inform their mother about what she knew.

A few days later, Elizabeth met Phillip at the garden next to their house. It was midnight and she was crying. “Is there something wrong?” Phillip asked worriedly. Elizabeth stared at him and said, “It’s mother. She arranged a marriage for me. What should I do?”

“What?” Phillip said angrily. “Please tell her about us.” Elizabeth begged him. Phillip then pulled her hand and went storming into the house, straight to his parent’s bedroom. Stuart was woken up from his sleep and so as Jacqueline. “Did you know about us?” Phillip asked Stuart in anger. “What do you mean?” Stuart asked. “Did you?” Phillip turned to Jacqueline asking the question now. Jacqueline sighed and said, “Yes. Precisely why I arranged for her to marry someone else. Not her own brother.”

“What is going on here?” Stuart said, waking up from his bed. “They are in love.” Jacqueline stood up and said, pointing at Phillip and Elizabeth. Stuart eyed Phillip curiously. “Phillip, she is your sister!” Stuart said. “My step sister and I am your adopted son. There is nothing wrong with us getting together.” He then turned to Jacqueline and said, “Cancel the wedding or I swear I’ll rip your heart out!”

“I will never let you marry my daughter!” Jacqueline said.

At that instance, Phillip didn’t know what went on through him. His vision blurred and all he remembered was anger. He went straight towards Jacqueline and thrust his hand into Jacqueline’s body. He felt her beating heart and saw the horrified look on her face but he did not care anymore. He crushed her heart. Bloods spilled from her body to the floor. Screaming filled the rooms. Phillip heard them scream but he didn’t care. He felt so much power growing into him. He felt complete. Soon as he left the place that night, no one ever saw him again. He became immortal. Just like the devil’s plan, he brought destructions to the human race.

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