CHAPTER 15 - Early Outbreak [By Jenn]

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Justinian I succeeded as the emperor of the New Rome with a mission to bring back the glory that the empire once had. He was on his way back to Constantinople right after signing a peace treaty with Khosrau I in Persia. He couldn’t wait to return home to his beautiful wife, Theodora. His mind flashed back to the first time he met her. At the time, he was only a government official, working closely with his uncle who was the emperor then, Justin I. As usual, when he was bored being in the Great Palace, he would leave silently, dressed as a commoner, so that no one would notice him. He was walking down the street of Constantinople in his disguise when he first saw her at the market. She was young, about half of his age and she was very beautiful. He wasn’t able to take his eyes off her. He remembered how he managed to gather all of his strength to approach her. He would never forget how the smiles on her face look like and how she never failed to comfort him with her wit and sense of humor. Justinian was sure that he would love her till his dying breath.


The worry on Justinian’s face was crystal clear as his rival political groups started a revolt in Hippodrome. Theodora seemed very calm as she smiled at her beloved husband, the emperor. “My Lord, do not fear. These men, they cannot harm you. They cannot win.” She spoke.

“What made you so sure?” Justinian asked her.

“I have always known your destiny. You are born to be a great leader. You are to rule this empire and be remembered through generations after generations.” Theodora said convincingly.

“I am prepared to leave this place. The situation is beyond repair. How do you suppose we overcome this revolt?” He was despaired over the situation. As much as he wanted to stay, he knew that fleeing is the best option for him and his comrades. However, Theodora seemed to have a different idea. She then said, “For an emperor to become a fugitive is not a thing to be endured. I believe that purple makes a fine shroud.” She then continued her speech of how it is better for the emperor to die while fighting than live isolated elsewhere in exile. She talked of courage, honor and values of a great leader. The leader she truly believed Justinian could become.

As soon as she finished talking, the whole room was mesmerized. The look on Justinian’s general, Belisarius turned from despair to determine. Every single person in the room is moved by her words. So as her husband, Justinian who’s beginning to put a smile on his face. “You are right!” he said.

He then turned towards the small crowd in the Throne Room. “Tomorrow we shall fight! We will marched to Hippodrome and take them out should they refuse to stand down.” He said with a louder voice, filled with emerging spirit. He turned to looked at Belisarius and said, “Belisarius, I trusted you to lead this. Take Mundus and Lucius with you. They are faithful soldiers that will fight hard for us”

Belisarius bowed down and said, “Very well, my Lord”

He then walked out of the throne room along with the other audience leaving Justinian with the empress. “My dear, I am confident that we will win this fight.” The emperor said.

“I will make sure that we do.” She replied with a smile on her face. I thirst for their blood. She thought as her smile turned from sweet to wicked. Tomorrow, thousands of lives will be taken and she will grew stronger. Yes. She was the demon in disguised. She knew this empire is destined to thrive for success. She will ensure that the empire be remembered perpetually.


After the Nika Riot, the nation was restored to its former peace. 35,000 people were killed but it was justified for the greater good of the nation. At least, that’s what Lucius thought and what he was led to believe. “It’s time!” His wife, Sophia greeted him with a smile on her face. Today was the day. The day they celebrated his promotion to the rank of hypaspistai, or shield-bearer. He was a faithful soldier servicing under the command of Belisarius alongside his comrades, Mundus and Narses. He walked towards the grand hall of his house. He saw his18-years old son Carldrij and his 12-years old twin daughters, Carmilla and Lilith. They were all looking at him proudly. The rest of his immediate family members and friends were also there. He walked towards them with a big grin on his face and ushered them to the dining hall where they will gathered for the feast.

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