CHAPTER 13 - The Discovery [By Jenn]

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The situation in the room was tense. Aaron was quick to get up and grab his gun aiming at Phillip. Samantha was still on the couch watching them with absolutely no interest.

“You should know by now that the bullet won’t kill me”, Phillip said.

Aaron looked at him with amazement and with confused voice, he said, “What are you?”

Phillip smirked while Samantha stood up slowly and walked towards her clothes slowly getting dressed. Aaron watches her with confusion seeing how calm she was over the fact that a dead man came back to life and stood right at the front door.

Then, Samantha suddenly said, “Oh Phil! You took longer than I thought”

There were mixes of cynical and amusement in her voice as if she way toying with the two man. As she paused her sentence, she turned to face both of them and continued; “I just have to entertain this police officer out of boredom”

She smiled cynically at Aaron. Aaron was now even more confused. Samantha then faked a sympathetic look at Aaron and said, “Not that I didn’t enjoyed it, dear Aaron”

“I never told you my name or where I work…” Aaron said as he started to shove his gun towards Samantha too. He knows he wasn’t facing any ordinary criminals. These two people could mean the end of his life and he wanted to stay alive. He may be the one with the gun, but he’s definitely not having the upper hand here. “Just relax, Aaron” Samantha did meant what she said. She hates seeing Aaron losing it now. So not sexy.

Amazingly, Aaron did appear to have calmed down somehow. Suddenly, Samantha can feel something deep inside her. The feeling was as if she’s allowing a very strong power to flow into her. She can feel that the power allowed her to manipulate Aaron’s mind. She wasn’t sure how that happened, but she liked it.

All at once, time seemed to have frozen. She looked at Phillip knowing that he’s beginning to feel the same kind of power inside him. Phillip’s eyes grew wild and crazy. He was overwhelmed with the power he have. He liked it too. What happened next was way beyond their imagination. Samantha and Phillip began to remember where they came from. The flashback brought back the memory of when they were climbing apple trees as a child, followed Eva-Maria fishing by the river and the night that she sacrifices them to the demon. They began to know each other’s stories after that night when they were separated half world apart and forgot their past. It was fated that this day should come, that they were reunited and with it, their power emerged from underneath themselves. They realized that now.

More to the flashback was a boy. His name is Theodore, also known as Ted. The direct descendent of Eva-Maria whom blood created them. They knew at that very instant they can grew stronger. All they need is Ted’s blood and so they can create more of them. They can gain more power. They finally have the purpose in life.

And so, Phillip shoved his hand towards the wires in Aaron’s house and the wires appear to move according to Phillip’s desire. Aaron was shock but he couldn’t move as the wires wrapped his arms pulling him towards his bedroom. He was how hanged on the wall of his bedroom. “Oh! You really don’t have to, Phil” Samantha said.

“He knows too much” Phillip defended himself.

“Well, I thought you only kill for pleasure” Samantha argued.

“Oh! Don’t get me wrong. Of course I’m doing this for pleasure.” He started to laugh evilly.

“Very well then, but may I have a word with him before you proceed?” Samantha insisted.

“Sure thing, my dear” Phillip said.

Samantha walked towards Aaron and smiled at him as she said, “I just thought you deserve to know what happen to your father”

Aaron was unable to speak. Well, Samantha didn’t want him to speak so he didn’t get to speak. She loved her new ability. Then, she said, “I ripped his heart out because he broke my heart”

Aaron’s face turned red out of angriness but he was helpless. Samantha smiled as she turned around to face Phillip.

“You did?” Phillip asked.

“Yes. Technically, you broke my heart too so it’s only fair that rip your heart out” Samantha said.

“Fair enough” Phillip said as he nodded and then asked pointing at Aaron, “Shall I?’

“Go on” Samantha approved. And so, Aaron’s life ended while Samantha and Phillip’s lives had just begun.

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