Chapter 2: Wine and cocktails

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Brooke took the last selfie with Chloe, her boyfriend, Davis, and her two best friends before they ran off inside the house to watch a movie. This house wasn't just a normal house, it was a mini-mansion in Malibu, complete with a music studio in a separate building outside and sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean.

This house and its surroundings were breathtaking. Brooke found herself wondering what living here might feel like. How could you feel anything but peace in a place like this? Definitely better than the chaos and fast-paced life of New York City. She knew Adam and Mike D were from NYC but that's the extent of what she knew. She was a little embarrassed to not know more about either of them or the iconic hip-hop group but the height of their fame was a little before her time. She really only knew a few songs like "Fight for your right to party", "Sabotage" and "Intergalactic", mostly because of their music videos she had seen over the years. But she knew about the tragic death of their one band mate, Adam "MCA" Yauch, dying of cancer a couple of years prior and how the world mourned his death. That must have been so difficult. Losing not just their band-mate but their best friend. It was so very sad.

She heard someone approaching her. She turned around to see two men, Chloe's father, Mark, and Mike D standing behind her.

"Brooke, thank you so much!" Mark started " You absolutely made me the father of the year in the eyes of my daughter. The show you put on was nothing short of spectacular." He handed her an envelope with the check of the rest of the money he owed her.

Mike quickly agreed with friend. "Yeah, you were awesome. I think all the kids really enjoyed themselves."

Brooke smiled. "Thank you. They were a fun bunch and I was honored to get to play at her birthday party. It's a big deal turning 18!"

"Hey, we were just about to have some wine, do you want to have a drink before you go?" Mike asked

Brooke hesitated before she answered. Her sister turned manager, Savannah, Sav for short, was back at the Airbnb they rented for the week resting after running a fever a few hours before Brooke was supposed to arrive for the party. Sav thought she was coming down with something and didn't want to get anyone sick so she decided to stay at the house and Brooke went by herself in the car that Chloe's father arranged to bring her to Mike's home. She called Sav after she got off stage to check on her but didn't get an answer, which meant she was sleeping and Brooke didn't want to wake her up, she needed rest.

"It's ok, if you can't..." Mike started sensing her slow reply.

"No... I can stay. I was just thinking about my sister. She wasn't feeling well before I came, but I called her cell and she isn't answering so she must be sleeping." Brooke explained. "So yeah, a drink sounds great"

It's not like she had anything else going on tonight now that Sav was under the weather, and hey, drinking with a music icon and some of his friends seemed like a cool way to spend some time before leaving to go back to the house and do nothing. Brooke followed them to the patio right off the pool. There was a little bar area and a large table where several other people were sitting and chatting.

Brooke sat near the end of the table where there was an open seat.

"What do you want to drink?" Mike asked as he made his way behind the bar.

"I'll just have a glass of red, whatever you recommend is fine." She called over to him.

Mark had sat down in the chair across the table from her and started doing some introductions.

"Brooke, let me introduce you to everyone here. Next to me is my wife, Chloe's step-mom, Barb, next to her is my wife's best friend, Keri and her partner, Sonya" They all nodded their heads in acknowledgement and gave warm smiles.

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