Chapter 15: Halloween

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Brooke woke up Tuesday around noon feeling not as bad as she did the night before, but was clearly still sick with whatever bug this was. She was supposed to have meetings with several record producers and engineers that morning, but figured Sav cancelled them already. Her throat was dry and she needed water. She decided to test how stable she was by walking to the kitchen to get something to drink.

She slowly made her way to the kitchen and found Sav there. She was drinking some tea and reading the newspaper. It looks like she had gone to the store because there were still unemptied bags on the counter. It looked like she bought every medicine in the grocery store because there were rows of medicine bottles lining the table.

"You're up?! How are you feeling?" Sav said as she looked up from the newspaper.

"Like a bus hit me. Thanks for asking" Brooke said, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Well you look better than you did last night... so there's that." Sav replied.

"I actually don't feel as bad as I did last night but I'm still exhausted." Brooke said, sitting down at the table with her sister.

"Yeah, it's a good sign that you haven't spiked a fever again. This seems to be following the course of the 24 hour bug I had," Sav mused looking back down at what she was reading.

"Did you cancel the meetings for this morning?" Brooke asked, although she already felt like she knew the answer.

"Yes, but I ended up talking with one of the producers, Tommy Sparks, for 30 minutes. He still wants to meet you before we leave LA, if possible. He also is in New York a lot for work so he said if it doesn't work out for us to see him before we leave LA, he will let us know when he's coming to New York."

"That's good," Brooke responded. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed about the trip so far, since she was supposed to be getting her music career back on track. It felt like nothing was going according to plan and other than performing at Chloe's party, this trip might be a bust, at least professionally speaking-- but then there was Adam. Her heart sped up just thinking about him. If nothing else, this trip allowed them to meet and connect and that made it all worth it.

She looked at her phone to see if Adam had texted her, but she didn't see anything from him. She figured he didn't want to bother her since she was sick. Brooke decided to try to call him since she was up and give him an update. Brooke picked up her phone and dialed his number. It rang several times before he picked up.

"Hey.. can I call you back?" he said as soon as he picked up.

"Um.. sure..." she responded quickly

"I'm in the middle of something. I'll call you back." he said and hung up.

Brooke frowned. 'I shouldn't have called him,' Brooke thought as she put the phone down. He was with his family so she probably should have just sent him a text.

"He's busy?" Sav asked, obviously overhearing the brief exchange.

"Yeah, he's probably out with his family." Brooke sighed. She got up, suddenly feeling really tired again. "I'm going back to bed."

"That's a good idea. If you had what I did, you'll be feeling better by tomorrow." Sav called after her.

'Tomorrow' Brooke thought. Tomorrow was Halloween and Adam's birthday. She wanted to be feeling better by then. She still wanted to go to his party... even though she hadn't technically been invited yet. 'He'll probably mention it when he calls me back later.' she thought as she got to her room and back into bed. She had to focus on getting better. She nestled back into bed and fell asleep.

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