Chapter 22: The Conclusion

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Brooke watched the color drain from Adam's face. He had moved to the side of her and stumbled forward to sat down in the chair she was just sitting on. It looked like someone just punched him in the gut.

"What" he said it so quietly Brooke almost missed it.

He was looking blankly ahead-- staring at nothing. He was in disbelief.

"It's not possible" he continued to speak in a whisper.

Brooke felt some of her anger dissipate, as she saw the shock register throughout his body. She took a step back not quite knowing what to do, but feeling more compassionate towards him. It was clear, he didn't lie to her about not being able to have children, he obviously, truly believed that was the truth. But it didn't change the fact that she was indeed pregnant and they had to deal with this.

"It's possible because I am." Brooke broke the silence but her voice was now lowered and had a more soothing tone to it. "I took three tests and all came back positive."

Adam didn't respond to what she said. He just looked despondent and his expression seemed to indicate that his mind was drifting to some place else. Brooke wasn't sure if he thought she meant to use this information to trap him or to give her money because that wasn't the case at all. She would never do that to him. If he didn't want anything to do with her or this child, she would figure out what to do.

"Look, I didn't come here to ask you for anything. I don't even know what I'm going to do at this point, I..."

Adam looked up at her and cut her off mid sentence. "I can't have children. Like it's not possible. I can't get anyone pregnant."

He wasn't saying this in an aggressive way, he seemed defeated and was still in unbelief. Maybe he thought she was pregnant with another man's baby. She wanted to clear that up immediately.

"Well, you did. You got me pregnant. This can't be anyone else's baby."

Adam stood up but didn't try to touch her. In fact, he walked towards the window at the far side of the room. He stood there looking down at the street. Not saying anything-- just staring off into space.

Brooke began to worry about him. He seemed... heartbroken. "Adam, are you alright... I know this is shock and we are both confused right now, but where did you get the idea that you can't have children?" Brooke slowly approached him and came to a stop directly behind him.

Adam took a couple a deep breaths and started to speak in a low voice.

"We tried for years to have a baby. At first we just thought it would happen. But as the years rolled by, it was clear it wasn't going to happen without some help. So we went to a specialist to see what the problem was. We went through a bunch of tests and the doctor said it would be very difficult for us to conceive naturally, He gave us like an 10% chance to get pregnant. We were devastated. Our doctor said he could run more tests and we thought about other options but then we learned my wife was sick and our attention turned to that."

He sounded so broken and all Brooke wanted to do at this point was to put her arms around him. To comfort him.

"When she got sick, I gave up believing I'd ever be a father." Adam said, his voice full of unshed tears.

"So that's why you told me that our first night together." Brooke said quietly. "You really believed that."

"Yeah, I still do. That's why I don't understand how this could happen". He said running a hand through his hair.

"Well I can assure you that there's zero possibility of anyone else being the father. I've only been with you in the past 8 months. So looks like your doctor was wrong, or maybe our odds were better..."

Brooke let her voice trail off, not knowing what to say at this point. All she wanted to do was to hold him. All the anger and mistrust she had were gone. Now all she felt was broken watching him like this. Whatever happened in the past was the past at this point. He was standing here allowing himself to be totally vulnerable in front of her and she knew in that moment what to do.

She placed a hand on his shoulder. She felt his entire body react to her touch. He began to turn around to face her.

"Come here..." she said while opening her arms to him. He slumped against her. They walked a few steps back to the big chair. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap. She put her arms around him and held him close. They just sat there holding each other, neither saying anything. Words were not needed to express the tenderness of the moment. They were together, that's all that mattered.

The truth was she loved this man. Yes, he hurt her, and yes, they had a lot of stuff to work out, but they belonged together. Brooke knew it. She felt his heart beating and his breath on her neck, she leaned down and kissed the top of his head.

Being in each other arms felt like home.

Brooke felt Adam pull away slightly, but it was just enough to bring his one arm in between them. He placed a hand on her stomach. He looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

"I love you" she breathed as she touched her thumb to his cheek. She leaned down and their lips met. It was a soft, sweet kiss, the kind that make you melt and feel like everything is going to be ok.

He pulled back and she saw his beautiful eyes, those Scorpio eyes, shining up at her, "I love you too" he breathed, as he pulled her down into a deep kiss.

Brooke knew that whatever the road ahead held, they would face it together.

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