Chapter 10: Pillow Talk

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Brooke woke up Sunday morning to the feel of Adam's breath on the back of her neck. He was still asleep and his arm snaked around her upper stomach with his hand resting over her left breast. They were both naked and she loved the feeling of his body tightly pressed against her back.

Last night, they ordered take-out and drank good wine. They took Molly for a walk in his neighborhood, laughing together and sharing stories about themselves. They got to know each other better-- Brooke learned about his family and why he moved to California. Brooke shared more about her family as well. She told him about her sister Sav, and about her mother, Ginger, who lived in Florida with her 3rd husband, Lou.

When they got back from their walk, they cuddled together on a lounger chair by the pool and looked at the stars. They made-out like teenagers and eventually decided to finish what they started in his bed. If ever there was a perfect evening, it was that one.

She lay there lost in her thoughts not moving and just reveled in the feeling of their bodies molded together. She heard her phone vibrate next to her on the side table and slowly untangled her arm from under Adam to reach for it. If he felt her move, he didn't show it.

Brooke looked at her phone. 12 new texts and 1 missed call. Since Friday, she'd been very slow responding to her friends, business contacts and even her mom all who were beginning to wonder if she was ok because of her lack of response. Her mom was the 1 missed call, Brooke would call her back later.

She ignored them all except for Sav's text informing her that she needed the car and asking if she would see her again at all while in California or will she just spend the rest of time in Adam's bed. Brooke rolled her eyes. While the idea was tempting, Brooke had other plans for the week, she actually needed to work on getting her music career back on track, and she didn't want Adam to think she was clingy. She was enjoying herself though-- very much. But she still didn't really know what any of this meant outside of knowing they were very sexually compatible.

Brooke texted Sav back letting her know she'd be back at some point today. She'd let her know when she was in the car on her way.

Brooke felt Adam stir and she put her phone down and shifted around in his arms to face him. His eyes were barely open but she felt him pull her closer.

"Good morning" he murmured to her, bringing her in for a kiss.

"Hi" she said quietly, looking back at him.

"Did you sleep alright?" he asked

" Yeah...I just woke up a few minutes ago." she said.

Molly's head appeared over the side of the bed where Adam was and she was about to jump up when Adam put his hand back gently and touched her head and spoke.

"Hi girl... I know, I know... you want to go for a walk." he said. "I'm getting up."

Molly heard him say the word "walk" and she made a beeline for the bedroom door. She was circling excitedly and wagging her tail.

"I gotta take her out," he said to Brooke. He quickly got up, pulled on a pair of sweats and the Knicks t-shirt she brought back last night and shoved his feet into his slides.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't shower without me." He said with a wink as he walked out the door with Molly following closely behind.

Brooke decided to return her mother's phone call and respond to the texts that she missed. She had a meeting tomorrow morning in Santa Monica with some record company executives and they wanted to confirm the time and location. She was intently looking at her phone reading her emails when Adam and Molly came back into the room several minutes later. Adam took off his slides and jumped back on to the bed, Molly followed him.

"What'cha doing?" he asked, moving closer to her.

"Responding to texts, emails, and phone calls I've missed the past 2 days" she said mindlessly still typing away on her phone. "People think I've fallen off the face of the earth."

"Yeah, we kinda have." he said, his voice musing. "I have a ton of people I need to get back too as well. My brother, dad, and step-mom flew in on Friday and are staying with my sister out in Malibu-- hence the dinner I was supposed to be at before it was cancelled on Friday. I was going to go over to see them after I left Mike's but as you know my plans changed."

Brooke stopped and put her phone down and looked at him. "You blew off your family to take me home?" she asked, a little shocked.

"Well, my plan was to drive you back to your place and then go to my sister's house in Malibu, she doesn't live quite as far out as Mike's place, but then this happened..." his voice trailed off.

He started again. "It's ok, I just texted and told them I'd see them later today or tomorrow. They are going to be here all week so there's plenty of time to spend with them and I'll definitely see them Wednesday."

"Wednesday's Halloween. Are you having a Halloween party?" she said with a smile. She loved Halloween. She loved dressing up and the festive atmosphere. It might be her favorite day of the entire year. She was excited to be in LA and see what parties and fun there was to be had for the holiday.

"Yeah, actually... it's my birthday." he said slowly

Brooke's mouth dropped open. "YOUR BIRTHDAY IS ON HALLOWEEN"???

Adam chuckled at her response.

"You are so lucky... I would love it if my birthday was on Halloween." she said with envy.

"Ah, It's ok. As a kid, it didn't feel so good because other kids were busy trick-or-treating or had other I probably didn't really appreciate it until I was an adult." he explained.

"Yeah I can see it being hard as a kid. Sharing your birthday with a huge holiday." she replied.

"When's yours?" he asked.

"February 1st. Aquarius girl." she said. "So that means you're a Scorpio... hmmm makes sense actually."

"What does THAT mean?" he retorted.

"I mean, your eyes, for one. They are so beautiful, dark and a bit mysterious. I sometimes think you can see into my soul with them." she laughed feeling kinda dumb saying that out loud but she went on. "You are also very intense, especially when we make love." she said softly.

He moved closer to her on the bed and pushed her back against the pillows.

"I'm intense, huh?" he said, putting his head down to kiss her neck. His voice suddenly low and very sexy.

"Yeah, I love it. It turns me on." she whispered into his ear as he sucked lightly on her neck. She pulled his head up to her and their lips met. They kissed on the bed until they were breathless-- Brooke was already naked and Adam's hands it seemed were everywhere touching her body all at once. Brooke moaned loudly and Molly, who was at the edge of the bed, jumped off, seemingly understanding what was about to happen.

Brooke helped Adam out of his shirt. She wanted to feel his bare skin on hers. His fingertips and mouth made little fires on her body everywhere they touched. She never wanted a man like she wanted him. She didn't understand why her body responded the way it did to him.

He parted her thighs as he made his way down her body, and looked up to give her a wicked smile as his head disappeared between them. Brooke closed her eyes and arched her back in pure pleasure.

"Eat me" she breathed as she started to float away toward that high she had become very accustomed to these past few days.

"Adam" a woman's voice called from down the hall. "Are you home?"

They both heard the voice at the same time. Molly jumped up from the floor and started barking. Brooke's eyes flew open as Adam's head snapped up from in between her thighs.

Who the fuck was in the house?!!

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