Chapter 8: The Note

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Brooke woke up to darkness surrounding her and needing to go to the bathroom badly. She felt disoriented and had no idea if it was Saturday evening or very early Sunday morning. She swung her legs out of bed and made a beeline for the adjoining en suite bathroom.

After emptying her bladder, she washed her hands and got back into bed. Brooke turned on the little lamp next to the bed and a soft glow illuminated the room.

'What time is it?' she wondered as she picked up her bag next to the bed. She started digging through it looking for her phone. She found it immediately in the side pocket where she usually kept it.

Yep. It was totally dead. She should have plugged it in when she got home. But she was so tired after talking to Sav and feeling so emotional about how things ended with Adam, charging her phone was the last thing on her mind.

She started digging again looking for the charger. She ran her hand across the bottom of her bag. Nothing.

'Hmmmmm... Where is it?' she thought.

She took her arm out of the bag and turned it over, dumping the contents out onto the bed. It wasn't there.

She frowned. Where did she leave it? She remembered having it at Mike's house but after that she wasn't sure. Could she have left it at Mike's or worse yet... at Adam's?

"Shit" she said softly.

She didn't remember having it at his house though, not that she looked for it while she was there because she didn't.

She let out a long sigh and got up. She put on a black cotton pair of shorts sticking out from her suitcase laying on the floor. She was still wearing Adam's shirt--- it was so comfortable. It felt very much like him. It smelled faintly of him too she thought.

She walked out to the kitchen and found the light on and Sav warming up what looked like soup on the stove.

"Hey" Brooke said looking at the microwave to see what time it was.

The clock read 7:41. So it was Saturday evening-- she slept for 7 hours this afternoon. She needed it. She felt more clear-headed, less emotional than she had been earlier.

"You're up!" Sav said stirring her soup.

"I was about to say the same thing to you" she said "How are you feeling?"

"I am going to try to eat some of this canned chicken noodle soup I found in the pantry. So, we'll see how it goes." Sav replied

Brooke nodded, glad to see she was eating.

"Can I borrow your charger?" Brooke asked, sitting down at the breakfast nook. "I can't find mine... I'm not sure where I left it."

Sav walked away from her to the far end of the kitchen and retrieved a small plastic bag. She pulled out a charger and set it down in front of her on the table.

"YOU FOUND IT!" Brooke squealed, feeling relieved.

"Actually, I didn't-- I came downstairs to see if I could find something to eat and I noticed that a bag had been shoved through the mail slot. I looked inside and there was the charger... and this note with it."

She handed the note to Brooke and sat down across the table from her.

Brooke was surprised and really curious. She opened the note and began to read.



I found this on the back floor of my car after I got home from dropping you off. I figured it was your charger because mine's not missing. So I brought it back to you.

I'm not sure what happened today when you got out of the car. Did I do something to piss you off? I was really confused... still am.

If I did do something, I'm sorry. I was trying to think of the perfect thing to say to you about last night and what it meant to me and instead I got nervous and sounded like an idiot.

This is what I wish I would have said:

Brooke, you are an amazing woman. I can't believe that I met you and got to spend an unforgettable night with you. I don't know what happens from here but please know you have made an indelible impression on me.

The image of you standing in the moonlight on the beach is cemented in my brain and your kiss is forever in my heart.

I can't wait to hear your next album. I'll be the first one in line to buy the record.

Be well.



Brooke sat there with tears streaming down her face. She looked at her sister who had tears in her eyes too. She obviously had read it.

"Looks like it was more than just sex to him too." Sav said, getting up from the table to stir her soup.

Brooke sat there completely stunned. She made up this whole story in her mind about him not caring about her or what they shared and she couldn't have been more wrong. And then she treated him so callously and he left hurt and confused.

'God you're stupid' she thought to herself.

Brooke abruptly got up and started walking back to her room.

"What are you going to do?" Sav asked, following behind her.

"I'm going to go over and talk to him. I need to apologize for acting the way I did. I need to see him. Did you pick the car up from the rental place?" Brooke asked while throwing her suitcase open and getting new underwear and a cute light-pink short set she bought especially for this trip.

She stripped off the clothes she had on and started putting on the new ones.

"Yeah, the car is out in the driveway." Sav said.

"Great, I need it." Brooke said now fully dressed and standing in front of the mirror messing with her hair. She pulled it back into a ponytail and smoothed out the sides the best she could.

Sav left the room and came back in seconds with the key.

Brooke was just putting on some lip gloss, a little eyeliner, and dusted her face with some finishing powder.

She took the key from her hand, shoved her phone, the charger, Adam's shirt, and the note into her shoulder bag and walked towards the front door.

"Don't wait up for me." Was all she said as the front door closed behind her.

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