Chapter 12: A Texting Situation

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Sav started in with the questions as soon as Brooke opened the door. She wanted to know everything. How did it go with Adam last night? What happened this morning? Was she going to see him again today? Tomorrow? What about the rest of the week? And what exactly was going on between the two of them anyway?

Brooke let Sav go through her litany of questions while walking to the kitchen to get something to eat. It was close to lunchtime and she was hungry. Sav followed her close behind still asking questions. Brooke opened the fridge and was pleased to see some takeout boxes in there from a local Thai place.

She took out the containers, put them on the kitchen island. She got a fork and plate from the well stocked cabinets and started piling food on the plate.

"Brooke!" she heard her sister exclaim in exasperation. "Are you going to answer any of my questions or..."

Brooke looked up from what she was doing at her sister.

"I was waiting until you were finished asking everything." she said, smiling sweetly. She put her plate with the cold takeout food into the microwave and started it. Brooke turned to face her sister.

"I don't know where to start..." she said. "Everything has felt like such a crazy whirlwind. But good crazy, you know what I mean?"

"He's... he's..." Brooked started. "He's really wonderful" she said finally as she felt herself blush.

"He makes me feel like I'm the only woman he's ever wanted, ever desired-- and he's really sweet. He's so passionate and when he looks at me, I forget my fucking name." Brooke chuckled like she couldn't believe it herself.

"So what does this mean?" Sav asked slowly.

Brooke turned to take her plate out of the microwave. She sat down and looked at her food. 'What did it all mean?' she thought to herself, not sure how to answer Sav's question.

"I don't know exactly... I like being with him and I LOVE having sex with him... but it's been two days, I don't know what any of it means outside of that." she said honestly and started to eat.

"Ok, well, that's fair. I mean, it might just be a fun vacation fling thing. And maybe it doesn't have to mean anything other than that." Sav pondered out loud.

"I mean, he is double your age? Right?" Sav said, trying to do math in her head. "He's like 50, I think. Also, he lives out here and you live in New York. He's basically like retired and you are just starting your life... So what can really come of this?

Brooke didn't say anything at first as she munched on spicy drunken noodles. All of those things had been in the back of her mind too. But she didn't want to think about them. Maybe she just wanted this week to play out however it was going to and then she'd figure out those questions.

"I'm just going to see how this week goes. Lord knows I wasn't expecting any of this. So I'm just going to wait and see." Brooke said, focusing back on her food.

"That makes sense." Sav said. "So when are you going to see him again?"

"I'm not sure. His family showed up this morning unexpectedly..." she said absentmindedly.

"HIS FAMILY SHOWED UP????" Sav said loudly as her mouth fell open in surprise. "Why didn't you start with this information? SPILL!"

"Yeahhhh, his sister almost caught us in a... how should I say it... a compromising position." Brooke chuckled softly.

Sav sat down at the table leaning in, very interested in what she was about to say.

"What?" Brooke looked at her innocently

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