Chapter 11: Parting is such sweet sorrow

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"Adam?" the voice called again, sounding closer to the bedroom door this time.

Molly immediately jumped up and started barking loudly and ran towards the closed door. In a flash, Adam was on his feet moving towards the door at the same time motioning her to go inside the bathroom. Brooke quickly got off the bed and into the bathroom. She shut the door softly trying to make sure it didn't slam.

Just as the bathroom door clicked closed, she heard Adam open the door and say "Hey! What are you doing here?" Whoever it was, he must have known them, because his tone was friendly. That was the only thing she heard clearly, because he shut the door quickly behind him. Molly must have left the room when he opened the door because she didn't hear her anymore and she stopped barking so she must not have identified the person as a threat.

It was obvious, this person wasn't a stranger to them.

'So... who was this woman?' Brooke thought as she grabbed a robe hanging on a hook by the door and put it over her naked body. 'Who would have a key to his house?'

Brooke started to feel queasy in her stomach. Does Adam have a girlfriend or someone he's seeing that he didn't tell her about? Has he been cheating on his girlfriend with her?

"Calm down" Brooke muttered to herself trying to swallow her anxiety. She didn't want to jump to conclusions like she did last time. She was sure there was a perfectly innocent reason for this but still she wondered who this person was so she decided to go investigate.

Brooke opened the bathroom door and quietly tip-toed to the door in the bedroom. She first put her ear up to the door to see if she could hear any clear voices without opening it. All she heard was muffled voices, so she decided to quietly open the door just a crack to see if that would allow her to hear the voices better. Brooke listened intently trying to hear what was being said.

She figured out that there were clearly more than two people out there. She heard several voices. A man and a woman's voice, neither sounded like Adam, but it was really hard to tell because of how far away they were. But she could make out partial sentences.

"I can't believe you guys are here" she distinctly heard Adam say. Then there was a response she couldn't hear from what sounded like a low male voice.

"Go get dressed..." Brooke heard the woman's voice say but missed the next part.

"Ok, ok, you win. I need a shower so give me a little time. You can chill out here or by the pool." Brooke heard him say very clearly, because he was walking back towards the bedroom while speaking.

Brooke quickly and quietly shut the door and scurried back into the bathroom. She heard Adam enter the room and she backed up from the bathroom door knowing he was on his way in there.

The bathroom door opened and Adam appeared with a concerned look on his face.

"Well, my family's here...." he started.

Brooke felt a wave of relief wash over her and released the breath she didn't realize she had been holding. 'Ok, so it wasn't a girlfriend with a key.' she thought as the sick feeling she had went away but the anxiety remained.

"When my sister didn't hear back from me, she told my family that they should take a ride down here and surprise me and take me out for breakfast. Kind of a start to my birthday festivities" He continued to explain.

"My sister has a spare key to my house and uses it from time-to-time." he said matter of factly. He didn't owe her an explanation, but Brooke was glad he wanted to tell her.

Adam pursed his lips together and looked past her out the window.

"So what do you want to do?" Brooke asked cautiously.

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