Chapter 6: The Shower

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"Brooke" she heard Adam call out to her in her dream. What an amazing dream she was having, they were somewhere warm and she was in his arms. It was sunny and she felt very content.

"Brooke" she heard him say again. Louder this time. She felt someone touch her shoulder and she stirred, opening one eye just a tiny bit.

"Brooke... wake up." Adam said once again. "Your sister's on the phone."

Brooke opened her eyes wider and shifted in the big bed to a semi-upright position.

"What time is it?" she wondered aloud, feeling disoriented. Adam put his phone in her hand. She put it up to her ear.

"Hello..." she started

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" The voice she heard was very shrill and very loud. Brooke pulled the phone back from her ear slightly.

"HELLO???? BROOKE... DO YOU HEAR ME? The voice continued sounding very upset.

"Sav... I hear you, calm down..." Brooke said groggily, trying to regain all her senses.

She felt Adam move toward the edge of the bed and get up. She looked at him and he signaled he was going into the bathroom. She figured he wanted to give her some privacy for the call.

"CALM DOWN????" Sav shouted bringing Brooke's focus back on the conversation. "CALM DOWN?? I've been freaking out since 7am this morning when I woke up to find you never came back. I thought you were DEAD. I thought something terrible happened. I've been trying to call your phone and it's going straight to voicemail..."

Wait, where was her phone? She started looking around the bed and over on the side table next to bed but didn't see it.

"I'm fine. My phone must be dead... I don't even know where it is right now." she said, still searching the room with her eyes. "How are you calling Adam's phone? How do you have his number" she said super confused. They didn't know each other. Hell, she didn't meet him until last night, so how did Sav get his number?

"When I couldn't reach you on your phone. I called Chris and got Mark's number to see if he knew when you left the party last night. I called Mark and he said you left with Adam because something happened with the car service and Adam said he could bring you back to the airbnb. He said he didn't know anything else, so he gave me Mike's number and I called him and told him you didn't make it back here last night, and I asked him for Adam's number. He gave it to me." she sounded exasperated.

"Brooke I was so worried..." she said, suddenly her voice broke.

Brooke heard her sister's teary voice and felt instantly bad. "I meant to text you after I left Mike's house to let you know what was happening and I completely forgot."

"I'm really sorry Savvy." Brooke said regretfully. "I did try to call you after the show to check on you but you didn't answer, so I figured you were sleeping since you weren't feeling well. I didn't leave a message because I didn't know about the car service at that point."

"So when did your plans change? What happened last night? Why didn't you just come home?" Sav fired off those questions at her one after the other.

"I.." Brooke started but Sav cut her off.

"So you are at Adrock's house? Are you're in his bed?" she asked pointedly.

Brooke rubbed her eyes. She moved over to the side of the bed and swung her legs over the side, her feet did not quite reach the floor.

"I don't want to get into the details right now." Brooke said, lowering her voice. She wondered if Adam could hear her through the bathroom door.

"When we left I asked him to show me around LA and maybe get another drink before dropping me off. We just lost track of time..." she said letting her voice trail off

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