Chapter 3: The Drive Home

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Brooke opened the car door and got in. Adam had driven up to the door for her.

'So this is what a Tesla looks like on the inside' she thought. Much roomier than she imagined. She wasn't a fan of Elon Musk, but she had to admit this car was cool.

"Ready?" Adam asked as she buckled her seat belt.

"Yep" she said as he zoomed off out of the driveway onto the road.

"I'm going to take the longer way back, down the Pacific Coast Highway, there's some really pretty views of the ocean. I figured since you don't come to California often, you'd like to see that." he said coming to a stop sign.

"Yeah, the way the driver brought me earlier was basically all highways. Not very interesting to look at. I love the ocean and the Pacific is so gorgeous." she said wistfully.

"Yeah, I'm sorry it's dark out, you can't see the full beauty. Hopefully you'll have time to go to the beach while you're here this week." Adam accelerated and rolled down the windows partway.

He had some jazz playing in the background and between the music and ocean air filling the car, Brooke felt totally at ease.

"I have a bunch of meetings and I'm planning to do some writing while I'm here. I haven't figured out when I'll go. And Sav hates the beach so I'll have to go by myself." She frowned thinking about the idea of going to the beach alone.

All of a sudden, Adam pulled off the road into a small parking lot.

"Why are we stopping?" Brooke looked over at him confused. 'Did he forget something back at Mike's,' she wondered.

"How about tonight?" he said as his tongue touched the corner of his mouth and gave me a little wink.

"Tonight... What?" Brooke asked, feeling like she missed something.

"You said you didn't know when you would get to the beach this week and I'm asking you how about tonight? Like right now." His eyes sparkled as he spoke. He looked like a little kid that just came up with the best idea ever.

Brooke looked at him in bemusement and said "um... ok, yeah... let's go"

She broke into a huge smile and let out a little laugh. She opened the door to get out and by the time she stepped out Adam was already on the little sidewalk near the steps that led down to the beach.

"Come on." he said as he started down the steps. Brooke followed him smiling the whole way.

They got to the bottom and Brooke took a look around. It was nearly 11pm and there was nobody out there as far as she could tell. The beach was dark but the full moon provided a soft glow.

Brooke kicked off her sandals and ran toward the water. She got there just as a small wave hit the beach. The wave splashed over her feet and up her ankles. The water was warm even though the night air was cool. She stood there just taking it all in. It felt so good. She felt high. 'Can you get drunk off moonlight?', she asked herself. Because she definitely felt like she was on something stronger than the glass of wine she had.

At some point, Adam had walked up next to her. "Beautiful night." he said looking out at the sea.

"It's perfect." she murmured and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath. She felt the waves hitting her legs. There was something about the beach that makes you feel free and in total harmony with nature. She could feel Adam's warmth next to her although they weren't touching. It made the butterflies in her stomach start again.

Brooke opened her eyes and caught Adam looking at her.

"Thank you for bringing me here." she said softly turning toward him. "How did you know this is what I needed?"

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