Chapter 19: The fucking car keys

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Brooke moved under Adam, letting him know she wanted to get up. Her emotions were all over the place and she needed to put physical distance between them. He moved and she got up, trying to hide her face from him. She didn't want him to know how emotional she was becoming. She retraced their steps and quickly picked up her clothing. And went into the bathroom.

After she got cleaned up and put her clothes back on, she was also able to get her feelings back under control. She went back out to find her keys. She wanted to leave as soon as possible, but she knew he wasn't going to let her go that easily.

As she was searching for her keys, Adam came up behind her and put his arms around her back. Why was it that when he touched her she felt weak? She closed her eyes and summoned the strength to pull away from him. He let her go easily. She turned to look at him, he was dressed in a plain white t-shirt and a pair of light blue cotton shorts.

"I was going to order some food for lunch. Do you want some?" he asked her.

"Um, no, I can't stay..." she said, voice trailed off still looking around the room for her keys.

"Why?" he asked, sitting down on the couch they just made love on.

"Because I'm leaving to go home tomorrow and I have a ton of things to do before then." she answered quickly. She was starting to get frustrated that she couldn't find her keys.

"What are you doing?" he asked her, watching her criss-cross the room.

"I'm looking for my keys... I don't know where I dropped them in my haste to..." she didn't finish the sentence.

"Rip my clothes off?" he said, finishing it for her.

Brooke looked over at him and gave a half simile. "Yeah, I guess."

"So... why did you come over here and rip my clothes off?" he asked, she could feel his eyes on her as she continued her hunt. "I thought you wanted space. Based on what you said in the car earlier.... Not that I'm complaining. I'm not. At all." he said with emphasis.

"I don't know... that kiss was... it made me feel..." she said, slowing down and turning to face him. She was standing a good distance from him seated on the couch.

"Feel what?" he asked quietly.

Brooke had a flashback to her asking him that question on the beach the first night they met.
"Horny." she said flatly, pushing that memory away.

"Yeah I got that... but what else? Anything else?" He questioned her further.

"No... I don't know..." she let out an exasperated breath. "Adam, I'm trying to find my keys. Can you help me?"

"I'll help you after we talk." he said, still sitting there not moving at all to assist her.

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK. I WANT TO LEAVE", she said feeling increasingly annoyed by him but if she was really honest, she was frustrated with herself and not knowing how to handle this situation she was in.

"We need to talk. And you know it." he said leaning forward on the couch his voice was more serious. "I need to know where we stand before you leave tomorrow."

Brooke walked past him and in the foyer, still looking for her keys. She didn't want to talk. She hoped she would find her keys and dash out the door. She knew it was childish of her, but she honestly didn't want to face her feelings for him. She was terrified of what she felt and all the questions that needed to be answered.

She heard him get up, following her into the other room.

"Brooke, why are you running away from me? I know I hurt you and I'm sorry for that. You have no idea how sorry I am... but here we are. You came here. You came to me, even if you still feel confused about us. You still chose us, when you decided to come here. That means something."

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