Chapter 17: 5 minutes

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"What are you doing here?" Brooke asked, feeling completely stunned.

Her heart sped up, she felt dizzy and like she might throw up. She took several steps back towards the door. She wanted to escape. Why was he here? Did he know she was going to be there? What the fuck is going on right now? Are just some of the questions that flashed through her mind in a matter of seconds.

"I was in a meeting with Mark when you texted him," Adam replied. He looked tired, like he had been up most of the night. "He told me that you had texted him and were coming by to get the gift Chloe had for you."

"Why would he tell you...whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm here to get the gift and then I'm leaving," she said trying to control her emotions although every cell in her body was screaming.

She turned back towards the wall, pretending to look at the art she had been admiring. 'Where is the housekeeper?' She thought anxiously.

"Can we talk?" he asked quietly. "Please."

Brooke shook her head, still staring at the wall. She could feel the tears come to her eyes and she got angry at herself. 'Don't you do it Brooke. Don't you dare cry in front of him' she begged herself, willing the tears away.

"It's not necessary. I'm fine-- you don't need to explain anything." she tried to say smoothly, but the emotion in her voice gave her away.

"Brooke..." he started but the housekeeper appeared coming down the steps with the gift in hand. Brooke turned towards her to receive it.

"Here you go." the housekeeper said smiling but then looked at Brooke and her smile faded. She looked over at Adam and sensed something weird happening. The housekeeper quickly handed the small box to Brooke and hurried away.

"Brooke, you aren't fine. I'm not fine. We need to talk about what happened last night" Adam said more forcefully this time.

"No we REALLY do not" she said in full retreat now. Brooke reached the door but Adam was behind her in a flash and put his hand up stopping it from opening.

"Let me go" she growled. She was angry now. That anger felt good. It felt much better than the hurt and pain she was holding.

"I can't" he whispered. "I can't"

Brooke could feel his body against hers and her body reacted in response. It was automatic, it wasn't anything she could stop. She was aware of where they were and that the housekeeper and god knows who else was hearing/watching this exchange.

"Ok, I'll talk to you, let's just go outside" she said softly, but still pissed off.

He released his hand and she opened the door and exited the house with him right behind her. She didn't turn around, she walked to her car intending to get in and leave but just as she got to the car Adam quickly came around her and got between her and the car door.

"Get out of my way" Brooke said sternly knowing there was no way he was going to obey her command.

"You said we could talk," he said accusatively.

"Well you fucked me and didn't tell me you had a girlfriend,so I guess we both lie" she retorted.

"It wasn't like that" he exclaimed, sounding exasperated.

Brooke rolled her eyes.

"Right... I forgot she's a mental patient...or something..." she said condescendingly. "You know what, I don't care. Please get out of my way, or I'll go back inside and get Mark".

"Give me 5 minutes. That's all I'm asking for. After that I'll leave you alone if that's what you want" Adam pleaded.

Brooke let out a long sigh of frustration. She didn't want to talk to him another second let alone 5 minutes, but if allowing him 5 minutes to say what he wanted would get him out of her life for good, then ok.

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