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chris's pov

"guys im sick n tired of being here." chris mentions, while scrolling through instagram.

"i agree, BUT you and I both know that we're stuck here for at least another month.  mom wants us home, we literally just got back from LA." nick babbled on.

the three boys had just gotten back from LA, they had been there for almost 2 weeks. They had gotten a chance to get out several different content pieces, with several different creators. Though the trip was so business based. they missed going on trips for themselves. chris took it harder than nick and matt did. he missed when life was just the three of them. when work didn't matter. and of course this didn't sound like Chris at all. but that's what missing a person can do to you.

"has anyone talked to rhyliee recently?" matt questioned. it's been almost three months since they'd seen her. both nick and Chris shook their heads, meaning no one had talked to rhyliee.

"LETS CALL HER UP RIGHT NOW!"  nick shouted, whipping his phone from his pocket and searching her name, "rhyls🤚".
the phone began to ring, three rings through and she answered.

"HEY FRENS!!" the girl screamed through the phone.

the boys faces lit up. "HI RHYLIEE" they all yelled. "we missed you oh so much beautiful" nick began.

"ugh i miss yall terribly, like more than i miss a good sweet tea on a hot day." she tilted her head, "AND THATS SAYING A LOT."

"she's right, that's definitely saying a lot. that girl loves her tea." Chris agreed. "trust when we're out of house arrest, we'll be on our way down to you as soon as we can."

the four stayed on the phone for hours on end, catching up with one another. they hadn't actually sat down and talked since they last seen each other.  with the lives they all lived, there was more than enough to discuss.

this discussion felt like it could never end. there was never a minute someone didn't have something to say. they all loved the talk and there was more then enough to babble about.

"now now on a real note, when can yall come down? I miss you guys and Taylor too. she won't shut up about Matt... STILL." rhyliee questioned. of course she loved hearing about how Taylor felt, sometimes it just got to be too much.

the boys took a pause, looking at each other multiple times. "how about in a week?" Chris spit out.

"Chris that's so soon. too soon-" Nick cut Matt off real quick.

"TOO SOON. Matt. are you crazy? TOO SOON. there's never a too soon to see our rhyliee." Nick said, his eyes rolling several times.

"I'll look for flights for you guys tomorrow! I'm sure I can find something easy! let me know what dates work for you." rhyliee noted.

"we will surely be in contact then." Chris piped on. he was more than ecstatic to see her. "this time can it just be a little get together, not content based?" he questioned.

the four sat in silence for a few seconds until rhyliee began speaking.

"honestly, I'm down for that. I need a break away from social media, just for a bit. nothing permanent or anything." she shrugged.

"i agree, I think we all need a break or two." nick chimed in.

special media was beginning to feel more and more like a chore by the day. these were just teenage kids, trying to live life and bring happiness to others just like them. but because they were infact only just kids, they need to be able to live their lives too.

"perfect! we really need this guys. maybe sometime you can come up to Boston for a change?" matt added in, the boys were to eager to show rhyliee the place they called home.

"in your dream matty boy." eyes rolling and all. she always joked about never leaving Georgia, because that was her home.

"dont worry, she'll be up here soon enough. I just know it." Chris joked.

they continued to talk for a few more minutes before rhyliee received a work call, nonetheless one she didn't want to hear.

authors note: OKAY YALL. I'm not even gonna lie to yall. it's been a minute. this chapters shit because I just need to get something out. as you could clearly tell I've had bad writers block for over a year now. my writing is also complete ass cheeks boys n girls. bare with me please!!!! LOVE YA 🩷🩷

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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