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Did he actually just text that?! It's either that he did it subconsciously or he actually meant it.  Lucas was always one to be upfront about his feelings or thoughts, to think he would text her that he loved her at their plans to "take it slow" made her head spin. She still felt a light color fade onto her face.

Max stuffed her phone into her jacket pocket and began to practice her run through the pools and different ledges and poles. It had been a few minutes from when she first started as she had decided to adjust a few things to her run. She became distracted by a group of people she heard walk by. She realized that it was Katie and with a smile, she began to walk over to her and her friends. 

"Katie!" Max called her name as she walked over there with her board in hand. A few of the friends looked over and then back to Katie in shock. They tapped her shoulder to get her attention, when she finally did look up from her device, she smiled and walked to the older girl. 

"Hey, Max! is so good to see you again! how are you?" she asked with a smile.

"I'm good- actually scratch that, I'm great!" Max responded very happily.

"So watcha doin'?" The girl started their conversation.

"Well just going through my run for my next competition in NC. What about you? hanging out with your friends?" Max asked.

"Well, we were going to stop by Benny's to get something to eat. Do you wanna come with?" Max didn't expect her to invite her with them but she had nothing else planned for that day so she thought that it would be nice to come with.

The four of them began walking with Max skating slightly in front of the three of the kids. She overheard a boy state that Katie wasn't lying when she told them she was friends with The MADMAX. It made her smile, back then she hardly got recognized. Especially from the asshole, she was forced to call Dad, Neil. 

The four of them walked into Benny's and grabbed a table. Max sitting next to Katie, and the boy she was introduced to, Mark sat across from her. Katie's other friend, Sam sat next to him. They began a light conversation and when asked about her upcoming competition, Max told them the details. 

"Y'know, if all three of you have the time, I'll hook you up with tickets to the competition." Max looked at the three of them as smiles appeared on their faces.


It had been 15 minutes since they sat down when their food eventually came. The table had been pretty quiet as they ate until Max's phone made a ding and buzzed. She pressed the side button so it would show the notification. Katie looked over as she picked up her phone.

"Someone important?" She asked the redhead.

She hesitated before she spoke, "Uhm...a little? well important to me at least" was what she decided on going with. Not to overshare the very personal secret she held in the back of her head. She had hoped that the little bit of blood that rushed to her cheeks wasn't that evident to the three high schoolers. 

                                                                                    Stalker 😒♥️  

                                                                                    Stalker 😒♥️  

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Max was unsure to send the last 3 words but something in her head told her to, so she did. "He's killing me if it is the last thing he does." She chuckled to herself as she placed her phone back down on the table. 

"He?" Katie asked, but it felt as if she was teasing her.

Max tried to keep her cool but she was internally screaming, Shit.

"uhhhhh... well you see, uhhm" She just managed to speak. She could feel the redness becoming existent on her face, yet she didn't try and stop it. Sam began to listen in on the interaction, they felt like it was none of their business to intrude on Max's love life, yet they knew that Katie would bother her about it. 

"Katie, leave the poor girl's love life private. She obviously wants to keep it a secret with her social status." Sam convinced Katie to drop the topic. 

"Finnne, but please tell me that you actually are in a relationship? I won't push you to say who." Katie agreed with Sam but turned to ask Max.

Max knew that this is what she wanted to avoid but she knew that it would come out eventually. Max nodded in response to her question, earning a happy grin from Katie.

"okay but if he hurts you, don't be afraid to let me know, I have plenty of wrath to unleash!"


This response surprised Max, sure she knew that the public would react to her and Lucas's relationship but she didn't know how. I think that is what scared her the most, the was afraid of the praise or out-lash that she or Lucas could receive from the media. It made her realize that she needed to work on her confidence still, but it made her glad that she figured out what the problem was.

She decided to talk about it with Lucas when she got back to his house. He too agreed that that is the reason why they were scared, or paranoid. In the end, Lucas got the cuddles he had asked for in the afternoon as the two drifted off into a wonderful sleep.


this chapter had more talking than storytelling but I still hoped you guys enjoyed it!

Thank you for over 2k reads and over 100 votes! it makes me so happy that there are people who are interested in this book! <3

can't wait for the next few chapters,

- Macy 

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