Chapter 2

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Venti cleared his throat as he used his soda bottle like a mic, "since our two chefs are still busy, let's start the introduction with the most handsome and cutest among the freshers, Me!"

Aether and Xiao rolled their eyes at their bubbly friend. The group sat on the couches and some on the mat as they turned their attention to him. Thoma chuckled at the usual scene while Ajax looked up briefly from his boiling pot.

Venti stood up with a spin, making a dramatic pose, "Yahoo! This is Venti here. I will be joining theater studies along with our summer boy, Aether and tsundere prince, Xiao."

As soon as he finished that line, he nearly dodged a hat thrown in his direction, "we knew each other since middle school and shared the same interests so we are here together. I like apples and alcohol. I have a cat allergy so please let's not hang out at cat cafes. My minor is music major, which means I will be the same as the one and only, Itto-senpai here!"

Itto puffed his chest beside Kaeya, "that's right, buddy. Ask me anything you need to know. Assignment? Tips? Anything, I'm here for you."

The tanned senior amusedly snorted as he sipped on his soda, "like you are the one to talk. I heard from Sara that you are struggling with your own report."

Itto whispered at his smirking friend, "dudee, not in front of the freshers", and turned back to the group, "anyway, you can count on me as your senior!"

Venti clapped cheerfully, "I will! Please introduce us to cute girls!"

Unaware that Itto turned pale at his request, Venti passed the soda bottle mic to Xiao, "now, our tsundere prince, Xiao."

Xiao pushed away the item with a glare and stood up stiffly, "Xiao. Major, Theater studies. Minor, film studies. Nice to meet you all." In contrast to his words, his voice was flat.

When he sat back down, Venti slapped his back with a laugh, "you are still tense? Even after we- Oww! Oww! I will stop!"

Pouting Venti massaged his hand that got twisted by Xiao.

Aether stood up while smoothing his shirt, "Hello, I'm Aether. Just as Venti said, we shared the same major, hoping to start a new chapter of our lives together and graduate as a team. I enjoy playing instruments with my friends during free time. My minor is dance, also my hobby. For now, we don't want to join any club yet. Pleased to meet you!"

After receiving "same here" and "nice to meet you", he sat back in his seat with a satisfied grin.

It was Lumine's turn now, "Hi, Lumine here. I'm joining with a journalism major with a foreign language study minor. I just submitted an application for gymnastics. The gym and equipment are way better than my high school's! I like inteyat flower and eating crab."

And, her glare landed on Ajax, who was equally glaring back at her, "what I dislike- no- HATE the most is playboys who think it's okay to pick up girls like they pick up bad habits."

"Haha... she's out for the kill", Thoma sweat-dropped at the growing tension between the two. Ayaka, who also noticed it, pulled her down, "as you may all know, I'm Ayaka. But since Yae-senpai wasn't there this morning, please let me introduce myself again. My major is a business management and-", she peeked at Thoma subtly.

When she found out he was staring at her, she blushed pink at the unexpected eye contact, "...and minor is Culinary."

Thoma's green eyes widened at the revelation and hid his blush behind his hand. Kaeya and Yae, who noticed this little interaction, smirked. Ajax, who didn't aware of this, was slightly confused why would a daughter of a renowned family choose culinary for the minor. Being a part of renowned families of multiple businesses, Ayato and himself took business-related subjects for both major and minor.

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