Chapter 9

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Ajax signaled with his sharp blue eyes as he passed the basketball at Thoma. The timer on the clock was showing that there were only a few seconds left before it rang the ending. The Teyvat University had already scored enough points to call it their win. But, until it rings, it's still all games, isn't it?

The tall blonde swiftly caught it and stepped back to feint an attack. By the time, Ajax had passed the two opposing players, Thoma threw the ball high in the air before it reached safely into Ajax's hands, who jumped in time with the throw. With the skillful alley-oop, he successfully scored with ease. The bell rang a moment after, signaling the end of the match.

Ajax and Thoma exchanged a brofist as they all regrouped to their coach. Ayaka handed out the water bottles to them with a soft smile of hers, "welcome back! That was one awesome alley-oop you did. Looks like all the training were worth it."

Thoma smiled at her appreciatively, "thanks for staying back all those times, too."

Ajax also nodded, "I totally agree, we will definitely get your favorite cake the next time we get to that bakery."

Among the beautiful cheerleaders around him cheering his nickname 'Tartaglia', his eyes still looked up at the bleachers to find a certain girl. Sure enough, she was wearing a neutral face when he found her, "you saw that? I told you I will score it."

She only snorted in return, "well, considering all those extra hours you kept my Ayaya busy, you should be."

His excited expression turned into a pout unknowingly, "jeez, you could act a little happy for me". He knew that he should have expected this response from her. She had been sulking that Ayaka won't hang out with her because of those late practices. But, he definitely wasn't expecting her next expression.

Her scowl was transformed into a smile within the blink of his eyes, "well played, Tartaglia."

'There is that smile of hers', he smirked to himself in satisfaction. His chest was now feeling warm due to unknown reasons. Only then, his attention shifts back to his surroundings.

Ayato was briefing the play with the coach until the moment the coach finally turned back to the others with a standoffish face of his, "good game, boys. It seems there were no misplays or errors. Itto, I want you to ice that knee of yours for tomorrow. Kaeya, make sure that your roommate won't forget it tonight. Ayato, I want you re-watch the entire play before you rest for tonight. I will send you the video later. Thoma, your guard against their ace today was much better than the last time, keep it up. Ajax, you play around too much. Aren't you supposed to be our Ace? You need to stop trying to head-to-head against their ace. If Thoma wasn't there, you were going to play dribbles with him until the bell rang."

Taking a breath, he watched each one of them carefully, "rest up for today. We will have to face the Honkai University tomorrow. No more individual training", his cold eyes landed on Ajax and Thoma, "yes, I meant you two. Let your muscles cool down."

The duo gulped under his stare, "yes, coach."

The coach stared down at them one more time before nodding, "that's all everyone. Help Ayaka pack up."

As soon as the coach left, Lumine climbed down from the bleachers, "Ayaya! Let me carry some too."

She swung a bag onto her shoulder swiftly but the weight of it immediately disappeared.

"Are you certain you can carry this? I'm worried that your height could get even shorter because of its weight", Ajax came up from the side with the stolen bag on his shoulder, his own bag was placed on the other side.

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