Chapter 6

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After the exact 9 minutes and 42 seconds had passed, Ajax heard the rapid knocks on his door. He intentionally took extra time to answer the door, "took you long enough, pipsqueak."

Lumine just glared at him as she pushed a cup of coffee to his chest, "here's your Espresso". She seemed to be slightly out of breath and her blond hair was disheveled, probably because of all the errands he made her do before coming here.

With a wide smile, he took the cup and walked back into his apartment, "I'm impressed that it's still warm". After inspecting the cup, he took a sip, "and no signs of spilling out of the cup. You must be good with your hands."

"Yeah, good enough to strangle you to death", she murmured as she followed into his living room with a bag.

Turning back to face her, "Did you say something?", he asked with a not-so-innocently tone.

"Nothing", she grinded her teeth when she noticed his smirk.

"Nothing, what?", his smirk only grew wider.

She put down the bag onto his dining table with a loud thump and bit her tongue before composing herself. Then, she faced him with the best smile she could summon at the time, "nothing, Ajax-senpai."

He couldn't help but laughed out at her 'smile' because it was more of a grimace, "you call that a smile?"

She crossed her arms on her chest, "sorry that I can't even fake a smile for you. I only smile when I feel like it."

He shrugged at her response, "then, you can understand if I can't help because I don't feel like it, right?"

When he pretended to walk away, he felt her tug on his shirt almost immediately, "Archons, fine. I will smile!"

"Let's see it then, go on", he signaled her with his chin and continued to drink the coffee.

She glared to the side with a grumble, "the things I do for you, Aether."

After mentally preparing herself, she looked up at him with a closed-eye smile. He could still detect a hint of grimace so he added fuel to the fire, "now, call my name."

A vein popped on her forehead but she managed to hide it away before he commented on it, "Ajax-senpai."

"And, what is your request again?", he hid his smirk behind the cup.

Still trying her best to maintain the smile, she was able to speak out, "please help us with the props, Ajax-senpai."

Smirking victoriously, he finished the coffee, "I will take it for now, but I want a better smile before today ends."

Her smile fell abruptly at that, "are you shitting me? Isn't this enough??"

"This is just the beginning, Chibi-chan", he patted her head, making her hair messy even more on purpose. He took away his arm just before she could slap him off.

"Did Thoma tell you that?", she asked as she tried to comb her hair back to normal.

"No, Ayato did", he answered back cheekily, "you aren't the only one who got the best senior."

She cursed to herself silently when he checked on the bag, "let's see- math, history, geography, law, literature, business and ahhh yes~ my dictionary."

"Do you really need all of them?", she asked skeptically, handing him the receipt for the books.

"Yes, I need to do a very important assignment with these", he took the paper and transferred the amount back to her account.

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