Chapter 4

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More of Thoma x Ayaka in this chapter :3


Ajax sighed for the nth time when I saw a certain brunette fresher waiting for him at the basketball gym entrance. She fixed her curled hair quickly and beamed a smile in his direction. Not to brag but he knows that he has a nice body, face and charms so it wasn't his first time to see girls waiting for him. Every fresher girl wants to see her chances with older seniors. It's flattering for him no doubt. Just not at the basketball court, the coach and Ayato would chew him out if they noticed.

Itto sniggered from his side with an arm on Ajax's shoulder, "ladies' men, I see."

He laughed even louder when Ajax pushed him off, "I can promise you 5 mins before Ayato notices this."

Then, he entered the gym ahead, leaving the light auburn-haired man alone.

The girl stepped forward when he got close enough, "good evening, Ajax-senpai! I thought I would come and watch you practice. You wouldn't mind, right?"

He felt a little bad for this girl. He only voted for her simply because she wasn't a blonde. Sure, she was pretty and all. But, he had already chosen Ayaka as his potential girlfriend. Even though he is still nowhere near her because of Lumine, he definitely doesn't need another girl's interference to change how Ayaka sees on him. He glanced at Cara, thinking how he should reject her advances.

"Look, Cara-"

"Out of the way, Gingerman!"

He was interrupted when Lumine cut in between and ran into the gym. She acted like a wild cat as ever. Entering and exiting the basketball gym whenever she wanted. But this time, he would thank her. Taking a chance, he made up an excuse, "oh! Seems like we have a meeting today. It might take long so don't wait out here to watch us today."

Swiftly walking backward, he waved at her, "bye, Cara. Have a nice evening!", and rushed into the storage room.

The girl frowned at her awaiting friends and grumbled her complaints as they walked away. Ajax released a breath after he had closed the door and leaned against it.

"Troubles with girls?"

A soft, amused voice made his head snap to the side. There, he saw Ayaka polishing basketballs.

'Great, she already saw.'

Composing himself, he stood up straighter with his usual playful expression, "what can I say? Girls love me."

He sat down beside her and grabbed an extra cloth to polish the balls together with her, "well, I am a catch after all. Smart, charming, athletic, anything. You name it, I have it, don't I?". He sneaked a look at her face to check her reply. 'Now, a normal girl would start flirting or if Ayaka is a shy type, she should laugh with a kind remark. 1, 2, 3-"

"Except Lumi, it seems", she added with a giggle.

He couldn't help but groan when he heard her name. 'How does she still manage to be a buzz kill when she is not even here??'

"From my perspective, she is the one who kept coming at me. What's wrong with a man trying to shoot his chance?", he added more force in rubbing the cloth.

Ayaka put down the ball she had polished and grabbed another. "I'm sorry for the troubles, Ajax-senpai. I know that Lumi is a little overprotective of me. I always tell her to tone down a bit but she still acts the same as we were in elementary school", she spoke firmly but she wore a smile at her friend's silly tactics. Her mind didn't even register his second line.

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