Chapter 8

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The basketball practice was off today and the classes ended early today so Ajax was bored out of his mind. Not wanting to go back to his apartment just yet, he contacted his friends to hang out. The first one being Thoma.

"Thoma? Are you done with your class? You are in food culture, right? I'll head there", he asked while maneuvering his steps towards the said building.

"S-sorry, the class has to extend an hour because the professor was late today. Are you done with yours?", Thoma whispered back, probably because of the professor's presence inside the room.

"Another hour?? We are supposed to go bowling", Ajax's steps stopped abruptly.

"I'm sorry, I might not make it in time. We might skip this time?", his voice was slightly distracted.

"We?", Ajax repeated in confusion.

"Ah-yeah, Ayaka is here with me too. We need this class to pass this semester so-", his voice was genuinely apologetic.

"Nah, it's fine. I will just ask Ayato and others. See you then", his legs already leading him towards the seniors' whereabouts.

"Okay, take care", Thoma's voice cut off from the speaker.

Then, he dialed Ayato's number, "Captain, are you done with classes?"

"Let me guess, your dear Thoma is still in class?", his calm voice sounded from the speaker.

"Bingo. Now, where are you at?", he slowed down to hear his reply first before choosing a direction.

Ayato sipped his bubble tea first before he replied, "well, if you don't mind being a fifth wheel, you are more than welcome to join."

"You guys are on a date?", Ajax couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He still couldn't get inside a 5 feet radius of Ayaka because that one pipsqueak would scratch off his hands with no hesitation.

"You are with Yae-senpai and then who is with whom?", he couldn't help but ask a bit.

Ayato hummed for a second. Ajax could already sense there's a teasing smile on the senior's face. "Itto is with Sara."

"Itto is with who?? How? When did that happen?", his loud tone alerted a few pass-by students.

There is a slight distortion before Yae's voice came from the other side, "apparently our bull-headed friend here invited Sara out after their usual arguments, not knowing that sounded like a date or not. When he mentioned it to us this morning, I inquired about it and incidentally found out the details. Being good friends of his, we came along to make sure he doesn't mess it up ... terribly."

"Sure, 'incidentally'", he rolled his eyes, "to be a fifth wheel with you guys, nah, I'll pass."

"Suits yourself", she shrugged off, "we're going to go now. Itto is making himself a fool- a bigger fool, bye."

"Yeah, bye", he hung up the phone with a sigh.

"You're my only hope left", he mumbled to his phone screen and dialed Kaeya's phone. One call... two calls... three calls... he didn't pick up.

He rolled his eyes exasperatedly, "jeez, everyone is busy."

When he came to, he realized that his body had already led him toward the gym. He was so used to coming to the noisy, energetic energy of it, that the silence was deafening for him.

'Maybe I should practice more', his right foot stepped toward the gym before stopping again, 'nah, I can't handle the coach's scolding. How does he even manage to scold an entire hour anyway?'

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