Chapter 16

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Here I am delivering another late update again :'3Hehe, please forgive me~~

Well then, have fun everyone >w<


It was a pleasant sunny Saturday. Ayaka agreed to go out with him for information exchange on the two important people in their lives. It had been going well until it didn't. He was sitting with Ayaka in a little cafe that Lumine enjoyed when he felt someone's gaze. He looked out the window to find a girl with pink hair watching them.

He would have brushed it off if it wasn't those shining amber eyes of hers. The same eyes that held his heart in a grip. It was definitely Lumine but why did she look that lost? Did that Albedo guy put this expression on her? He wouldn't let this matter off the hook easily if that was true. His body must have made a reaction from that thought alone because she took off from his sight.

Panic had already seized his heart as she ran away but it was doubled when a black hair man chased after her. A single thought that she might be in danger caused him to stand up from the seat and sprinted out of the place. His eyes caught the two already on the horizon so he put use of his athlete's legs to close the distance. He promised himself that he would not let any harm come to her since that incident. And, breaking promises is something he will never do.

He noticed her pink wig had fallen off. But, it was the least of his concerns because he noticed the strange man had already caught up to her. Seeing her spirit was down from her slumped shoulders, he worried even more. Did she know this stranger? How did this man dare to reduce her fire spirit into nothingness? The blonde strands covered her expression as she looked down to the ground. The stranger took this chance to attempt to hold her face. Well, not on his watch! Pushing his muscles to the limit, he dashed in to stop the man's hand.

"What do you think you are doing to my girl?"

The man looked startled if not surprised. A small gasp from her lips came from his back, "Ajax."

Good, her voice sounded a lot better than he had worried. But he wouldn't turn back to see her just yet. He needed to deal with this crock first. How dare he- "Thoma?!"

The man blinked a couple of times with his apple green eyes and let out an awkward chuckle, "h-hey, Ajax."

"Thoma? Lumi?", another female voice came from the side.

Ayaka pressed her hand to her chest, trying to calm down her breathing and nervously looked between to and fro, "why are you- what are you two doing here?"

"We can explain it but first, can you let go of my hand?", he shook his captured hand to point it out.

"Oh shit- my bad, man", Ajax let his wrist go quickly but Thoma had to flex his hand to regulate the blood blow. A red grip on his skin made Ajax feel guilty. Ayaka worriedly got closer to him but still spoke nothing. Seeing the situation was now non-threatening, he tilted his head back to check Lumine. As soon as their eyes met, she looked away with a flushed expression.

What was wrong? He didn't know much of what was happening but if he knew one thing, it was that he was much relieved that she was not really in danger. His fingers searched for hers tentatively before they found them in a tight clench.

"Are you okay?", his voice came out in a whisper since he could sense she was already shaken enough. He didn't know what was the reason but at least she was safe in front of his eyes now. His fingers carefully traced her fingers from clenching. He tugged away her fingers to ultimately hold against his and she let him do so. Everything about his gesture was so gentle like she was a valuable porcelain doll to him.

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