Chapter 17

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Thank you for your warm, heartfelt comments in the last update, everyone! Each one of them never fails to relay an encouraging pat for me ˃ᴗ˂

And, I would like to mention this wonderful artwork of Lara, dedicated to this fic.

Lara, if you are here, I am really, really happy to hear that you are enjoying this story! <3
Your art fulfilled my hopeful goal as a fanfic writer. \(*'▽'*)/
Thank you sooo much, I love the way you portray them very dearly. ❤ω❤


"Hmm, I don't know, Ayaya. What if he thinks I'm being overdressed?", Lumine scanned her reflection in the full length body mirror.

Ayaka just giggled her worry off, "you are thinking too much, Lumi. It's not like you are wearing a layer of thick makeup or a dinner dress."

Lumine looked down at her attire silently debating if she should just wear what she normally wears. Knowing her thoughts, Ayaka sat up from the bed and hugged her friend from behind, "you look fine, Lumi. Didn't you say you want him to 'eat his own words'?"

That got her a smug smile from the reflection of Lumine, "you got me with that."

"Great! Now that you are satisfied, help me with my hair", she urged her and sat down in front of the vanity table.

"Of course, of course", Lumine pulled a straighter out of its bag.


"They sure are lively upstairs", Heizou commented when they heard a peal of laughter from Lumine's room.

"Who wouldn't get excited to go on a double date with their bestfriend?", Kazuha smiled understandingly.

"Wellll, except the one I see now", Venti slyly teased Aether.

The older twin only sent him a glare before going back to cross his arms in front of the window.

Knowing his train of thought, Xiao went to his side and patted his shoulder, "relax, you know that Lumi trusts him. He isn't a bad character. He even helped us out several times, didn't he?"

Aether let out a long sigh, " I know that. It- it's just that I feel like I don't know him enough to trust my sister with him."

"Give him time, then. And, it's not like Lumi is getting married to him right away. This is their first date. Don't worry her too much", Xiao was stern enough to get to the point.

"We both have known you and Lumi since primary school. Do you think you would say you know me better than Ajax to go on a date with her?", Venti slumped his arm over Aether's shoulders.

Both Aether and Xiao made a grimace at this.

"It's just a 'what-if' question. You both don't have to make that kind of expression", Venti sweatdropped at their 'how-dare-you' glares, "the point is that you will find a reason to dislike her going on a date anyway. At least we all know Ajax is a good guy so don't blow him off with your overprotective aura."

Aether snorted at this, "I'm not overprotective, I'm just wary of males that leer at her with not-so-innocent intentions."

"We all know the two most likely made out in the driveway yesterday so yeah, his intentions with her are flawed with passionate lust-", Heizou managed to urge before Kazuha slapped the back of his head to shut him up.

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