Chapter 11

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I would like to add here that some of the facts about VIP tickets I added here are just for the plot. I'm well-acknowledged that rules are different in reality.

As always, have fun!


"They are here!", Venti announced as soon as he saw two expensive cars pulled over in front of their place.

Aether and Lumine finished writing something on the cardboard with a short giggle. Then, they passed it on to Heizou who took it with a matching grin. Xiao shook his head at their silliness and yet he followed after Heizou to keep watch.

Lumine opened the door with a wide grin, "Ayaya! I have missed you", followed by a tight hug to her best friend.

"People would think you haven't seen her for a year", Ajax rolled his eyes from the side meanwhile Venti was exchanging a bro fist with Thoma. Aether was not slow to greet Keqing who just got down from Ayaka's car.

After weeks of assignments, exams and matches, they were finally released from the schoolwork. So, they planned to do what young people like to do for fun. To go to an EDM concert.

Kazuha smiled politely at Ajax, "thanks for picking us up. We certainly didn't expect our van would get broken down at the last moment."

The older only waved off causally, "it happens, don't worry. It's only a few minutes drive from my place anyway."

When Heizou signaled with a wink from behind, Aether dragged everyone out of the house with a grin, "come on, guys! The concert starts in the next 3 hours. We should get going if we don't want to lose the parking spots."

Ayaka reassured him as they walked back to their respective cars, "oh, don't worry about that. Since we have VIP tickets, the parking is also reserved too."

Lumine gasped in surprise, "VIP tickets? How did Yae-senpai get these anyway?"

Being the sole heir of Yae Publishing House, they were aware of her financial income. But to spend all those Mora on them??

The twins stopped on their feet at the same time and asked, "Ayaya, when you left the house, was Yae-senpai there?"

She nodded back innocently, "how did you know? Yes, she was there to make something for my brother as a celebration of winning the game. I saw her bringing a huge bag. To make homemade dishes or something like that, I guess."

Lumine hummed with a tight-lipped smile while the boys sniggered among themselves, "looks like someone is winning tonight" "No wonder she wants the place to herself" "More like the celebration was made in her-"

Lumine stepped on Venti's feet before he could continue, "let's send her 'thank yous' after the concert, okay, guys?"

She briefly checked Ajax's car, which was luckily parked behind Ayaka's car so there was no way he had seen their prank attached to the back of his car. Before she could get into Ayaka's car, she felt someone tugging her hoodie from behind, "where do you think you are going?

Thinking that he caught on the prank, she answered unsurely, "huh? To ride with Ayaya?"

He pulled out his phone to show its screen, "my phone's battery is getting low. I need someone to show the way with GPS."

Getting inside his car when the prank was attached was NOT in their plan at all so she tried her best to refuse, her eyes not facing him directly, "that's unfortunate but I can lend my power bank if you want. Or just follow our car. We're going in the same direction after all."

Her attempts were denied swiftly, "I don't use my phone while charging. Also, what if I get stuck in the traffic and lose sight of the car."

"Then, what if-"

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