Chapter 14

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Hello, everyone!

I wrote this chapter a bit longer than the usual to make up for my late update :')

Please forgive me and have fun <3


Ajax yawned with his arms behind his head.

"One would think it was a boring lecture based on your expression", Thoma commented from the side as the two walked along the corridor.

"You read this book and tell me what you feel then", Ajax pushed a book into his arms but the blonde only pushed it away, "no thanks, I prefer a relaxed brain."

"I hate studying. When's the finals again?", he muttered mindlessly.

"Next 3 weeks", a sigh followed after his answer, "and a bunch of assignments await."

"This is the only part I hate being a University student", Ajax groaned lazily.

"Well, if you study regularly from the start, this wouldn't have happened", a female voice snorted behind them.

With a half-snarl, he turned his head, "you don't know it yet because you're a fresher. I can't wait to see your struggle in junior year too."

Lumine deliberately bumped his shoulder-, or rather, his arm with her shoulder, "you'll have to fail a year if you want to see my Junior year."

Thoma greeted Ayaka with a soft smile and the two started a conversation of their own at the back.

Ajax's heavy arm only fell onto Lumine's shoulder shortly after, "don't worry about that. I can always drive here just to see your constipated face."

"Don't you live in Snezhnaya?", she raised a brow but didn't bother to shake off his arm.

"I have enough confidence to risk a few days off just to see your face- constipated face", he quickly covered his slip-up with a rough head rub.

Only then, she pushed away his face angrily, "gah! Ayaka just did my side braid!"

"I can always braid it back for you", he offered with his arm still hanging on her shoulder.

"Why? Because you practiced with your girlfriends?", she asked smugly, knowing that he had been single throughout the year she knew him.

"Sisters! I have two sisters, Eva and Tonia", his answer came louder than he initially thought. Somehow he didn't want her to get an idea of him being a womanizer.

"Poor them, they had to endure you as a brother", she teased him.

"I'll have you know that I'm the best brother among our siblings", his eyebrows narrowed frustratedly.

"I'll ask them when I can then", she chuckled in success when she saw his expression.

A heart skipped a beat in response. He avoided her gaze and looked straight, "where are you heading anyway? I don't think there are any departments ahead for you two."

"We're going to the square. We heard students from different universities and colleges will be there for a week", Ayaka answered politely.

"They are? Why?", Ajax asked cluelessly.

"Well, if you have been paying more attention to the announcements every year, you would know that our University holds a practical tutorial to assist science students across the country to have equality. Not all places have the best teaching materials, you know. So, within 7 days, these scholared students have a chance for improvements, developments, paths for a wider future and whatnot", Thoma explained patiently.

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