Chapter 15

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⬆️ Just a mini MMD clip for Chilumi fans ⬆️ 😉


It wasn't like her to dwell on something like this. Lumine had always done everything decisively with no regret for her actions. But, now she felt nothing but cowardice to run away from the truth. The truth that she knew from the start but left ignored until it burnt her.

She let out a sigh and lay on her side among the plushies she had collected all her life. She knew Ajax had his eyes on Ayaka from the start. He made sure of this, didn't he? Even if he talks with her more, it could mean he was trying to get in her good graces. She was, after all, Ayaka's best friend. How stupid of her to overlook this simple fact. She was no more than a side character in his life. Her hands gripped the poor stuffed white pixie toy tighter to her chest.

She heard a sharp knock on her door before it opened, "Lumi, I'm going to the store. Do you need anything?"

"Just some snacks please", she answered with her back facing the door.

Aether didn't answer for a moment but he closed the door and walked towards her bed to carefully sit down, "Lumi? What happened?"

Of course, he would know. Aether will be the only one who could read her just from a few subtle hints. Knowing that lies are useless against him, she turned to him with a tightly squeezed plushie in her hands. She kept it in front of her face and spoke in a squeaky voice, "your sister is an idiot, Aether."

A habit the twins have from their childhood. Whenever one of them wants to apologize or confess something unsettling out of their chests, they would use 'Paimon' plushie as their middleman. He smiled at the said plushie and played along, "I already knew that she's a lost cause, Paimon. But, what's the cause this time?"

"She ran away from the confrontation that she should have known from the start", her fingers playing with the toy's hands animatedly.

"Hmm, this isn't about girls' stuff because she was laughing with her friends at lunchtime. Or assignments, because she had already finished them. The club activities seemed to be doing well so", he paused a second, "boy, it is then."

He held onto one of Paimon's hands and continued with a calming voice of his, "this isn't about Albedo, I know she had moved on from her high school crush. A new crush? Lumi and the boys act the same as ever so all four of them are out of the list. Kaeya is just her flirty elder brother. Others have girlfriends. So, there's only one suspect left."

A slight pause before his next question came.

"What happened between her and Ajax, Paimon?"

She shrunk a little behind the plushie at his question. He patted the top of its head silently, using it as a medium to comfort her. His action worked because she felt a sense of familiarity from it and found it easier to speak now.

"When Lumi came back after helping out Albedo and the team today, she found Ajax and Ayaka sitting alone on the bench. She wanted to scare them so she sneaked behind them. It was then-", she swallowed her dry mouth, "Ajax asked Ayaka out for a date. So, Lumi fled from there without waiting for her reply or his reaction to it."

A wave of sadness crashed into her as she worded her feelings, "Lumi knew that Ajax likes Ayaka from the beginning but she somehow dared to forget that part. Lumi was supposed to protect Ayaka from awkwardness. She loves Thoma but being the sweet lady she is, she might have a hard time rejecting Ajax. Lumi got selfish because she was worried about her own feelings getting hurt so she ran away."

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