Chapter 5

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I am sorry for getting away for too long. I mentioned that I will be moving to Thailand for work in the last chapter's notes. Well, I have to live with a roommate here so it had been hard to write with extrovert people. Everyone here is nice and friendly, but I need my alone-time TwT

So, the first two weeks were mostly spent with them with little to no time to myself. I finally got some free time this week so here is an update, forgive me!!

Also, I typed this chapter as I looked on the scenery. My hometown is in a flat region so this mountain view is so magnificent for me.

11th of Sep, 2022


Ajax picked up his phone with a smile as soon as he read Tonia's name flashing on the screen, "hey, printsessa! How have you been? How's the family?"

The young lady scoffed from the other side playfully, "for someone who hadn't called home for a month, you sure are chirpy."

He chuckled at her reply and stood up from the bench he was occupying, "we always chat from the Pai-chat anyway so I may have forgotten to use a normal phone call."

"It's still a huge difference between chats and a voice call!", she responded adamantly.

"I'm sorry, printsessa. I promise to use a normal call too from now on. Am I forgiven?", he spoke tenderly to his sister while his steps led him toward the cafeteria.

Before she could answer, he heard a slight ruckus on the call before Teucer's voice came, "Big brother!"

He could only laugh out at the youngest's excitement, "hey there, buddy! Did you steal the phone from Tonia again? I thought I told you not to do that."

"But I want to talk to you, too!", the boy whined from the other side. If he was beside him, he would see his puppy eyes too.

Nonetheless, Ajax smiled at his voice, "no puppy eyes this time, Teucer. You will have to apologize to Tonia for stealing the phone like that, okay?"

"...Fine, I will do it after", his voice was combined with a pout.

Smiling at his answer, Ajax entered the building and walked along the hall, "good boy, Teucer. Now, how's everyone at home?"

"Good! Papa's always busy with work but he comes home early now. And, and! Mama made my favorite dish today, too. I ate two bowls of it!", the boy proudly boasted his achievement.

"Two bowls? Wow! Did it taste good, Teucer?", he asked as his hand opened the cafeteria door. His eyes scanned for his friends before spotting Itto's waving hand.

"You bet! I even ate more than Anthon."

"Attaboy! What about-", he was cut off when he bumped into a familiar short girl. Normally, he would catch the girl so that she wouldn't fall or get hurt. But, if it's HER, he knew it won't be necessary. Even though she was bounced off from the bump, she successfully kept her footing and held onto her coffee cup carefully so that it wouldn't fall.

Her golden eyes immediately glared up at him, "I thought you only have a deficient brain, now you have poor eyesight, too?"

Knowing this would only accelerate, he spoke with an unnecessarily sweet tone, "hey, Teucer. I think I ran over some rodent with my car. I need to check it". Lumine's eyebrow twitched at his wording.

"I will call you back later. Take care, love you", he hung up the phone.

Then he smiled at her as if nothing strange happened, "hey there, pipsqueak. I didn't see you so oops", his 'apology' came with a careless shrug, making her tick off even more.

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