Chapter 4: The Worst of Sins

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(Our friend Anni Nimouse helped us write this chapter)

"Go to the forest Emily, your'e running out of time."I was sprinting at this point, my full concentration on getting to the forest. Surprisingly, when I opened the map, there was a red circle over the area where I was supposed to go."Was Katie planning to meet someone here?" I wondered. My stomach began to churn when, in the distance, I saw the tops of trees.

"Emily!" I turned around to see Marcus running behind me, "Marcus?!" his skin was burnt severely.

"You did hear Noah too, right?"


"I heard his voice and it led me to that house over ther- wait...where is it?"

I turned around and around, all I saw were trees. There was a rustling sound behind the trees. I couldn't quite tell what it was, but it was like in movies when the people get stuck in the forest and a monster jumps out of the bushes. Oh crap! I just scared myself! I started screaming.

"What was that for?" Marcus asked me.

"There's a monster behind the bush!"

"Says the murderer"

"I'm not a murderer!!"



"I saw the corpse on the ground back at that house"


Three tiny people came from behind the bush, they kind of looked like little fairies. There were two girls standing next to a boy in the middle. "Hello" the boy said. He grew to about the size on Marcus and me. "My name is Walker, Walker Lee. These are my sisters, Millie and Georgia." Both of the girls grew to the size of Walker.

We are known by the name "The Wren."

"What the hell?" Marcus and I said in unison.

"We come only when we are called, and we have been called to retrieve you, Emily."

"Who sent you?'' Though I already knew who had sent for me.

Walker waved his finger at me before fleeing in to the forest. Marcus and I struggled to keep up with him, running over rough terrain. Walker abruptly stopped running and turned back at us, his expression looking sympathetic. I saw Marcus look to the far left and gasp, and then I understood why. There stood Noah.

He looked so pale. "Noah!" I screamed. "Noah, I'm coming for you!" The only thing I heard back from Noah was barely a whisper. "Emily, help me.." This had to be some kind of sick joke. This can't be real.

I ran as fast as I could out of that forest. Tears were welling up almost as fast as I was running. I ran down my street and in to my apartment, because of the stinging scratches that running through the trees had left me with and the tears in my eyes. My roommate, Kelly, asked if I was okay. I didn't answer her question and instead locked myself in our bathroom and opened the pill drawer.

I decided to take one tablet out of each bottle in our pill drawer, even though in the morning I knew I would regret the decision. I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and no self-respect left. "This can't be real," I kept saying "I can't be hearing my DEAD boyfriend's voice." The voices in my head began to swirl. ''I would commit the worst of sins so you could be happy. Don't leave me like this Emily!''

I couldn't take this anymore. I opened up the windowsill in my bedroom and locked the door. I jumped up on the sill.'' I would commit  the worst of sins for you, Noah.'' And then I jumped.

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