Chapter 10: The Labors

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(Our friend Anni Nimouse helped us write this chapter)

I was in immence pain. About five minutes before, I had noticed that Noah was sitting in the hospital chair beside me, cheering me on. "C'mon baby! You can do it! Our son'll be born any minute now!" And, of course, knowing ALL of my hospital visits, Katie came. When that demonic bitch walked into the room, I could feel my hormonal anger sensor rise! "Katie , I'll kill you!!!" I screamed as Katie smiled at me. I lunged at her with a scalpel. I slit her throat open, and she fell to the floor, obviously dead. I was shocked to see Noah slide on the floor under me just in time. I felt a gush of warm fluids run down my legs and out to noah's ready hands, and out slid our son, squealing like there was no tomorrow. "Emily, get back in that hospital bed right now! And that's an order!" Noah yelled passionately. He than wrapped the baby in a blanket and brought him to me.

"I don't want to hold him Noah." I said.

"Why not?" Noah asked

"Noah, I would love this baby, but I don't know him."

"What do you mean Emily?" Noah asked.

"I would love him, and you, but I can't stay. I have to leave now."

I had one last look at Noah's beautifully confused face, I took a ginormous gulp of the magenta liquid, washing the pain of leaving him once more down my throat.

More pain. Great. I was soon with my mom. She had her "Cold".

"Mama, we're going to the doctor" I said.

"No, No, It's just a cold" She answered

"It's not just a cold. DOCTOR. NOW." I told her.


We went to the doctor three days later. "It looks like you have...A bone cancer called osteosarcoma." The doctor told us. We were in a colorful room, I was glad it was colorful, it would make the patients happier.

"Can you fix it?" Mama asked.

"No, I cannot, but if you go to the cancer killer hospital. I know it's a weird name, but 99.5% of the patients who have gone there have survived." The doctor informed us.

"What if she is the .5 percent?!" I asked the doctor.

"That has the slightest chance of happening," The doctor reassures us.

"Go to the hospital and get treated."

We drove to the hospital, and when we got there Mama was quickly put in to a hospital bed.

"You will have to go to school " my mom said to me

"Don't worry I will"

I slept in at the hospital with my mom. I ran out to catch the bus to school. After lunch I got called to the office. Once I got there I saw someone from the hospital that my mother was in.

"Your mom...Isn't doing very well." The doctor told me.

"What happened to her?!"

"Your dad is on his way, we are taking you to the hospital."

I sat down in one of the office chairs and waited for my dad to come. It felt like hours, but it was only ten minutes before he got here.

"Emily I'm so sorry."

"It's okay dad, It's not your fault."

"I know, but I should have made her go to the doctor sooner."

"Please dad, just take me to Mama."

"Okay, just let me sign you out first."

"Sure, I'll get my stuff."

"That sounds like a good plan."

I walked upstairs to my classroom. The look of everything made me sick. I took a deep breath of air and walked over to my cubby to get my stuff. I wanted to see my mother, but I didn't want to admit she was wrong; that she broke her promise to me. I walked slowly down the stairs. I heard my dad's voice, " I wish I made her go to the doctor sooner." Him and the doctor seemed to walk over to the stairwell to wait for me. I just had to pause before opening the door.

"Dad?" I opened the door, "I'm ready to go."

"Okay, the car is just outside of the building." My dad replied.

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