Chapter 15: Nova's Funeral

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In the next week, I was discharged from the hospital. We got Nova's body back, and I couldn't look at his face until the funeral service. On the day the funeral was held, Noah didn't leave my side for the entire service. The parents of the child were allowed to see the child before they are buried. I felt slow tears cascading down my cheeks when I saw his face. He looked so peaceful.

"Damn, I'm crying again..."

"Its okay, darling. I'm here." I looked up at Noah. He had jet black circles under his glassy hazel eyes and had a tear-stained face. I nuzzled in close to him and just broke down and sobbed. One obvious reason I was crying was because I was at my infant son's funeral, and the other was because when I nuzzled up to Noah, he smelled the exact same way he did on the night we conceived Nova and Ceder.

"Why is this happening to me?!," I shrieked "What is the purpose of this if we cant even keep a child! You are the only freaking reason I'm still alive, Noah!" I needed to get out of there. I ran out of the church, and then I was suddenly caught by a bright green light again. "Oh no, not this bitch again!" I yelled.

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