Chapter 12: Full release

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When Noah came in to the room, I couldnt help but kiss him. "Noah, you have no idea what I've been through." I said.

After we came back to the apartment, we went straight to bed.

"Emily, don't you even want an explanation?'' Noah asked between kisses.

"No, your good enough for me." I replied.

After that, Noah took off his shirt and revealed firm, glistening muscles. I took my shirt off and unclipped my bra. Noah then began kissing me with so much passion, I thought that I would float away. We got closer, and I caressed his back lovingly. I nuzzled myself in to his neck and inhaled his scent. He smelled of licorice, coffee, and that fancy cologne that men wear. I hopped on top of him. "Whoa there tiger! Calm down!" he yelled.

"I...I just love you so much!" I sobbed.

"I love you too, but dont you even want protection?" he asked.

"No, I just want you." I said.

Honestly I think we were in there for about two hours. A week later, I felt nautious and my period was late; so i took a pregnancy test, and almost had a heart attack when it came back positive. "Oh shit! How am I gonna tell Noah!"

"Tell me what gorgeous?" I heard Noah say outside the door.

"uhhh...I have something important to tell you...I'm pretty sure I am pregnant.''

"What?! This could change everything! It would be like nothing ever happened!" Noah practically screamed. In a month I had grown a lot; so noah and I went to the doctor. When the doctor told us it was twins, I nearly screamed and Noah passed out.

"What are we going to do?! We can't handle this!" I said doubtfully.

"We can handle anything! As long as were together!"

I will always love noah for saying that. On June 17, at 6am, I felt a familiar pain in my stomach.

"Noah, I think were are having a baby!" I said.

"I know baby. Our twins are due in a week." He answered groggily.

"No, I think they are coming now!" I said.

After six hours of pushing and wheezing on a hospital bed, I gave birth to a boy and a girl. Noah and I agreed that we would name our son Nova and our daughter would be Cedar. I woke up at 12:00 AM, the day after the twins were born, to use the bathroom. We decided to keep them in our room for a couple of hours at a time. I first looked down at Cedar. I looked down at her beautiful face, she looked so peaceful, despite the hours she had just cried until her face turned red. Next I looked down at Nova. Then I noticed he wasnt breathing.

"Noah get up !" I screamed.

"What is it!?" he yelled, obviouly confused.

"It's Nova! He's not breathing! Ring for a nurse!"

At this point I had tears streaming down my cheeks, thinking how cruel god was. What kind of god would put me through this?! First, putting me through the whole dimensions thing, then taking my son ( my real son ) away from me. The nurse who delivered Nova came rushing in. She forced a tube down his throat and began reviving him. I looked over at Noah and noticed his head was buried in his hands, sobbing. I could tell that he was thinking the same thing. That we were both about to lose our son. The nurse tried reviving Nova for over three hours, and then had the nerve to come over to us and tell us there was no hope left for our son. I burst out and screamed "Try harder! He's my son! Please!" I felt a hand on my shoulder. "It's too late for him." Noah said. I turned around and collapsed in his arms. The last thing I saw before I fainted was the nurse carrying our dead, limp son out of the room.

When I woke up, Noah wasnt there. He was probaly downstairs getting coffee. i opened the window and hopped up on the ledge. At that moment, Noah walked in to the room. "Damn it Emily! Get down from there!"

"I can't do this anymore," I said

"If I jump, no one can save me. I wont have to feel this pain anymore."

"Think of Cedar! She's still here! And Emily...I love you!"

I took one last look at his handsome face, and then I jumped. I came cascading down, while hearing noahs screams. "Emily, dont leave me!" I could hear Cedar crying. "Goodbye my love. I would stay, but I have no place in this world." I fell to the ground; almost expecting to go through a different dimension, but I hit the ground hard. Everything went black, and in that moment I knew I would never wake up.

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