Chapter14: Soulmate

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"Noah!" I screamed.

When I jumped, I had never wanted to see him again, but now all I wanted was my freaking boyfriend and daughter. "Hello Emily. I am afraid that I am not Melennce, I am her sister. As you should well know by now, you are half angel half human. Your boyfriend Noah is your soulmate. You must stay with him always, for if you are separated for too long, your heart will break and you will fall in to despair. This could have devastating effects. Now go. Be with him."

On that note, a flash of light came and I was back with Noah. I think I realized what she had said about being away from Noah, because when I saw his beautiful face again I felt a surge of relief.

"Hello darling, your awake." Noah kissed me softly on the cheek. "Would you like to see Cedar?" He asked. "Yes!" I answered. Noah then handed me a small pink bundle, which I soon relized was my sweet, tiny daughter. When I saw her face I couldn't help but to burst out in tears.

"What is it, darling?" Noah asked.

"I look at her face, and I know that she is the best thing that I have ever done with my life, but at the same time she reminds me of Nova..." I answered between sobs.

"You are the best thing that I have ever done with my life, and every time I look at Cedar, I know that I have a little piece of you with me." Noah said

"I love you so much, I would commit the worst of sins for you, I would die for you, I would kill everything I love just so you can be happy." I said

"I would do the same, but I would never make you do that, because if you were not happy...I could not live."

"Noah, why do you love me?" I asked "Because you are my soulmate."

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