Chapter 8: The Party of Hunters

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When I woke up I was in a cell, chained to the wall. I looked around and saw three other people, one boy and two girls.

"You tried to get away too?" The boy asked. "Yep. What's your name?" I asked everyone. "I'm James, she is Lucy and-" the boy was cut off.

"We can speak for ourselves James!" The girl who I did not know her name said.

"I'm Alexandra, but call me Alex"

"Well I'm Emily." I told her.

Lucy walked over to me "Here, let me undo this" she said. She burst the chains to pieces.

"Thanks. How come you are all in the same cell?"

"All the others are full. And all the others died in a cell by them selfs. They think we are going to come over to their side, oh how they're wrong" Alex said.

Everybody in this cell seemed to have extraordinary powers. Lucy could explode or disintegrate anything with just a touch, Alex could read peoples emotions (She told me I was pissed, and I really was), and James could move things with his mind. "Do you guys all have magic?" I asked them. "Yes, don't you?"

"Well, I don't know"

"You do, you have amazing powers." a voice said. I looked around and spotted someone in the shadows. He emerged from the corner he was sitting at. He had white hair like an elder, but the body of a 12 year old.

"Hello, my name is Elijah. I have the power of sight"

"Well that isn't much of a power" I answered

"The sight of anything, the past, future, or anything that is happening in the present that I might not be experiencing."

"Oh yeah, I meant to introduce out news channel, before I got rudely interrupted" James said giving Alex a dirty look. "Why do you call him your news channel?" I asked them. "He always gives us information about the outside world" Lucy told me. "Not to change the subject, but how old are you guys?" I asked them "Well I am 13, and Lucy and Alex are 14 year old twins. I know they don't look alike, cause Lucy is so much cuter and attractive than Ale-"

"Come here you little pest!" Alex interrupted James. She is now chasing James around the cramped cell with Elijah sighing in the background. I looked around, Lucy came over. "You'll get used to it." We watched Alex chase James, and when she finally got him she tied him up to a pole.

" Help?"

"Nah" we all said.

"Fine I'll eat all the food"

"You can't you're tied up"

About half an hour later we got food, Lucy untied James and we started eating.

"Hey, how'd you guys get captured anyway?" I asked with a sudden feeling of interest. "Well, we were a party of hunters together. We were amazing, until Max, my older brother, fell for Melennce. He was so in love that he didn't care she was evil. The rest of the party resisted, but Max is now one of Melennce's top assassins." James told me. Lucy continued "We met Elijah when we were captured. He would never tell us exactly how long he had been here or why, but he is much older than he looks." I looked over at Elijah, he was staring at the wall. He really is weird.

"Hey Elijah." called James

"Yes?" he responded

"How old are you really?"

"Like I said when you asked the first time, none of your business"

"Why won't you tell us? " I asked.

"It's none of your business, that's why."

"Fine, but don't expect me not to ask again"

A while layer food came. It was good. "Hey Emily, did Melennce give you those injuries?" Lucy asked pointing at my arms and thighs. "Yeah she did" I answered.

"They look painful" James told me

"No duh!" Alex told him than pushed him into the wall.

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