Chapter 7: Melennce

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I woke up in a hospital and the nurse ran towards me.

"Oh great you're awake!"

"How long have I been out?"

"About three hours."

"Can I go home?"

"Oh no you will need to stay here for a month at the least."


"Because you fell out of a window dear, now lay back down and go to sleep"

I did as I was told. Yet I still couldn't fall asleep; I tried, but I was wide awake. I propped myself up on my pillow and looked out the window. I don't need to be here, I need to be finding whoever killed Noah. I know I wont be able to fly, but why don't I give it a try? I felt the glass on the window. Seems fragile enough. I ripped off all of the wires attached to my body. My insides hurt, my head ached, my heart was broken, everything was in some kind of pain. I stood up on the bed, and found that the window was the right size that I could just fall and still fit through. It was still raining."Yes, the rain is magical," I said to myself just as the nurse came through the door.

"What are you doing up there?" she asked in a panicked voice.

"Oh, I'm just admiring the rain"

"Well how about we get down from there"

"I always hated how people treated anybody under 17 like retards"

I looked out the window again, than I fell through. I was correct, the glass was fragile. I hope they fix that. I felt myself stop midair. Wings came from my back the same way it did in the other world, only this was real. Lightning struck, but not just any lightning; bright green lightning. Down came the figure of a woman, she was dressed in all dark colors. Not just black, but just different dark colors. "Are you the one who killed Noah?" I asked her with no hesitation. "Why, yes I am. Happy to see someone who notices my excellence." she answered.

"You are not excellent, you are not magnificent, you are not anything!"

"You don't have any taste, do you?"

She took out this huge axe thing and swung it at me. I dove towards the ground before she could do any damage though.

As I dove towards the ground I looked back at her. She was following me. As I almost hit the ground I shot back up into the air and into the hospital. I grabbed my bag and took out the purple liquid took a drop out and shot it into her mouth she disappeared right in front of me. I didn't kill her but I got a knife and went into the world that she was in and tried to kill her. She went into the world of different colors. There were so many beautiful colors that I had never seen before. I saw the woman and asked what her name was "Oh, so now you are interested, my name is Melennce" she answered.

"Why would you kill Noah?!"

"To test you"

"What the hell kind of test is that?!!"

"I wanted to see if you had potential to join my community of assassins."

"Well, i'll never join now!"

"Than I'll keep you as a prisoner"

"Fine, I don't care"

"Really now?"

"I promised noah i would get revenge, and i wont join the people who hurt him in the first place"

Melennce walked closer to me, "Fine" she transformed her axe into a knife and stabbed me in both of my theighs and arms. I screamed in pain, and hoped I wouldn't blackout or die from blood loss. "Bye-Bye" Mellence said as she got really close to my face. Before I compleatly blacked out, she kissed me. Seriously, WHAT IS WITH ALL THESE HORNY LESBIANS?!

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