Chapter 5: Noah

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(Our friend Anni Nimouse helped us write this chapter)

I suddenly woke up in a hospital bed. I couldn't breath. Something was lodged down my throat. "Help!" yelled a familiar voice. ''She can't breath!'' I could see clearly now. I was connected to thousands of wires. Then the most amazing and disturbing thing happened. Noah leaned over me, tears glistening in his eyes. ''Emily, you have been in a coma for almost a year.''

Later in the day I was talking to Noah "Noah? How could you be here?"

"Like I said, you were in a coma"

I saw the nurse come in to check on me. She had colored white hair and grey eyes. I knew I shouldn't believe it, but I knew it had to be. "Katie!?" I half screamed. The nurse turned around. "Yes, it is me" she answered. When she was talking I saw something, something in her eyes. A flash of bright green light. I jumped out of the bed, screaming at the top of my lungs. "Demon, show yourself!" I was screaming. "Emily, there are no demons in here" Noah was trying to get me to calm down. "Noah, its time for you to leave. Don't worry about Emily, I'll make sure she is fine." Nurse Katie took him out of the room quietly, Noah was still resisting.

"Now...what to do with you." Katie said shutting the door so no one could hear or see us.

"Katie, I know you couldn't kill me."

"And how do you know that?

"I know that because you love me."

Katie started blushing "You can't prove anything!" she said with her head turned away. "Katie, we made out in your house"

"Yeah, I guess we did"


"Aha what?"

"It was supposedly during my 'coma' that we did that, you were lying. Tell me the truth!"

I walked over to the window and looked out at the rain covered city. "I always loved rain, it made me feel like all of the pollution from the city was washed away. It always made me feel like I could fly. If this really is a fake world, I could jump out of the window and fly."

"But what if this world is actually real!"

"I have nothing to live for"

"You have Noah"

"No I don't, Noah has hazel eyes, when he was looking down at me, he had green eyes."

I looked back at Katie for a second before I dove through the window. The shards of glass cut my fragile skin. I felt myself stop midair. I smiled. I flew up in the air with wings of silver. The cuts cleared up and I was flying through the rain. It was the best kind of rain, wet rain. The kind of rain that keeps every thing wet and muddy for days after it stops raining. Even though this is fun, I want to get out. I want to make Noah's wish come true. I need revenge.

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