Chapter 20: Undeniable Proof

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3rd PoV

„This is going to be so awkward."

„This was your idea."

„That doesn't mean I've got to like it."

„That's fair."

Freddy channeled his dream-fuckery again and with the help of Toxin's nightmare realm slime, popped a door in a rather particular dream.

Micheals sleeping self did a double take. A silent double take.

Jason just tilted his head at the dripping door that stood at the end of the dock. That certainly was not there before.

He approached the door nonetheless, his rough hand went over the wooden texture of the door. It was rather smooth for the way it looked.

It seemed like something was beckoning him inside, he felt a sudden burst of familiarity and let his hand slide from wood to metal.

Micheal was already through the door. Ever so curious. He stared straight at his prey, even as the door diagonally from him opened to reveal a hockey mask.

Freddy crossed his arms, mind the blades of course.

As soon as Jason closed his door - his momma didn't raise no punk - it dissolved in a misty violet illusion.

Toxin grimaced on the inside, a detail the dream demon easily picked up on.

„Welcome to my mind, don't mind the mess." she joked to break the ice.

Her mind still did race, memories, nightmares, dreams, thoughts and daydreams all flashed through the background behind a thick wall of fog.

Every door and window, every crack leaked of her purple ooze.

„So- uh, concerning your ‚amnesia', I found out how to prove that we knew each other." Toxin began explaining.

She specifically chose to say ‚knew each other' instead of ‚being family'. She already jumped in a cave of bears, no need to make it worse yet.

„I just want to show you three something." she silently was asking them if it was okay, if they trusted her enough for this.

None of the mute did anything to prove her otherwise. Toxin felt relieved, again the dream demon felt this immediately.

Toxin looked at him, he shrugged. He didn't care, might be interesting though. He might find something to use against them.

„Okay, okay, I can show you how we guys met. If you want to." she proposed.

Again no reaction.

Freddy and the others watched as the redhead lifted her arm to perfect ninety degrees and curled her fingers in.

The darkness seemed to shiver. The flashing moments in the background stilled for a second, before beginning to lag like a computer almost.

They jumped back a few seconds, sped up, skipped completely or just went black.

The mist cleared a bit, a grey-ish storm cloud with slightly purple tinged end formed.

Jason was more confused than that one time this weird girl used her freakish psychic powers to summon her dead father from the lake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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