Chapter 1: Introductions

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Toxins PoV

„Alright, then. Have a good day Miss." the round man replied. He had a beard, sausage fingers, looked like he hadn't showered in about a month and guarded the Gate to the Asylum in the woods.
The gate I just drove through.

I was starting my first day of working at the asylum today and I was everything but happy about that.
I wasn't here for money. No I had enough of that.
I was here for my friends.
I hadn't been in town or even the same country as them for sometime and now 3 of my friends- my family were caged in this asylum.

I wanted to help them to break out. So I got a job here to scoop out the building and security. Everything I needed to get them out of there.
The cherry-red car halted in a parking space and rumbled its engine quietly. I sighed.
„I know Christine... I don't like this either."

The cars engine revved its engine one last time before turning off. I left the keys inside.
Christine wouldn't let anyone take her away.

I grabbed my bag and walked towards the Asylums doors. Great, this'll be fun.

My thoughts sarcasm was amusing, even at this time of hour.
I had to get up at 3AM just to drive here. It was about 5:16 now. And later the same way back. I really don't understand why Christine wanted to come along so badly, but I'm guessing she misses the burnt bacon man.
I did too...

I placed my hand against the cold wooded door and pushed it open.
The inside was burning in a bright white already. A lady about in her late 40s sat behind the reception. She had brown hair and glasses.
She looked up as I neared the reception. Her name tag read ‚Natasha Lynn Smith' She wore a tired smile on her face. Must've gotten the Night-Shift. Poor thing...

„What can I do for you? Are you here to visit someone? Then I would hate to say this, but visiting hours are only in about-"
„Ah, no, no. I'm actually starting my first day here." I interrupted her.
She lifted an eyebrow. Her tired eyes scanned me for a second.
„Do I need to register myself somewhere or.."
I trailed off.

„Just a second." she replied  and typed something into her computer. I looked around and spotted a few nurses walking around behind the glass door in the hallways. After a moment she lifted her gaze back to me and opened her mouth to speak. Just when she was about to, the telephone next to her began to rang.

„Apologies, dear. I'll talk to you in a moment." she quickly said and anwerfend the ringing piece of old technology.
The phone was plain white, just like the rest of this goddamn asylum. It was white like the walls, like the light, like the uniforms the nurses wore, just like E V E R Y T H I N G.

I clunched my fist.
I hate Asylums...

Maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea after all.

„Excuse me? Are you the new nurse?"
I turned around at the question.
I saw a woman wearing the nurse uniform, her lips where a nice red tone almost seeming natural and her blonde hair was in a braid down her back. Her brown eyes scanned me.

„Yes, I'm Trixie Hazey." I smiled, extending my hand for her to shake.
She accepted the gesture and smiled at my enthusiasm. Even though it was fake, but she didn't seem to know.

„Well, hello Miss Hazey. I'm Mary Glinns, the Head nurse here. You can call me Mary."

„Then you can call me Trixie. I'm exited to work here."

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