XX - Joburg By The Dam Festival (2).

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'Can you imagine Kiara wanted to miss out on all this?' Sasha asked as the trio of friends danced along to Young Stunna's "Adiwele" as he just came on stage to perform his medley of hits.

Kiara was having a great time. If you discount the fact that she was anxiously waiting to hear from her parents regarding the car and its current location. It went without saying that if they were keeping tabs on who Kiara was being friends with, they certainly would go ahead and do something as trivial as installing an active tracking device in the one Kiara has been in and out of since its initial acquisition.

She did hope that she would be able to drive her car one day. You know, experience what life is like as an ordinary person. There was one special afternoon she dedicated to looking at different car dealerships online for what would be her ride, but the dream came crashing down when Keith would not hear a word about it. "You are a Harding, and that entails living with certain necessities." Kiara was far too puzzled at how being chauffeured around like she was still a child was a necessity but did not put up a fight.

Usually, when Keith made such a statement, he was never going to hear any rebuttals and that would be the end of that.

'Come on now, it's not like I did not want to be here Sasha.'

'We don't know that for sure,' she retorted. 'You're always avoiding such.'

With a father like mine, there is a very good reason why I do, Kiara pondered as they continued dancing.

'So Miriam, tell us about your new man!'

'Huh?' Miriam blushed.

'Oh come on. Do not be daft with me. You know you want to tell me about him.'

Miriam rolled her eyes and smiled.

'Oh he's just the greatest actually.'


Miriam wasted little time in telling Kiara about Alexander, the romantic. Since first being acquainted with one another, they'd seen each other on campus several times and have gone on three dates together. There was no question about where their relationship together was headed. Miriam's prayer had finally been answered, she found just the perfect guy and she was not going to fumble the opportunity she had been given by the dating gods.

'Sounds like it's getting pretty serious.'

'It's all she ever talks about,' Sasha interrupted. 'So you bet it is serious.'

'Oh come on, I've been waiting for my chance at being with a guy and it's finally here. Let e have my moment.'

Kiara and Sasha playfully applauded before breaking out into laughter.

'So is there a reason to why he did not show up with you tonight?'

She shrugged.

'He said he got caught up with some school work. He has an assessment tomorrow and did not want to be hungover for that.'

Kiara chuckled.

She certainly was happy that her friend was enjoying the presence of a man like Alexander. Alexander was charming, there was no question about that, and he certainly did have Miriam's full attention and Sasha's unrelenting approval – but Kiara could not help but harbour reservations for this guy.

Maybe it was her superficialness that was doing the most talking right now, but she could ignore whatever signals she was being given. There was far more to this Alex guy than met the eyes and Kiara was determined to find out just how much he was hiding.

That was a task for another day, for now, she needed to get her phone back in the car for charging.

'Hey guys, I'll be back just now. I need to get this to charge,' she spoke up, Sasha and Miriam responded with thumbs and continued dancing to the upbeat amapiano medley.

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