19. Tell him that

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I had spent the last thirty minutes trying to find something to wear. Finn invited me to go to his concert. I had never heard him sing before. I decided on a casual outfit. Two weeks ago we had escaped off of his roof and gone to Mc Donalds. His mum clearly wanted Finn to be with someone like Hailey. 

I couldn't blame her. Hailey was from a rich family. She was also gorgeous. But Hailey was dating someone. She kept it a secret from her parents because she knew they would never support it. Going to this concert was only to support Finn as a great friend. Plus Millie was going with me which would make it even more fun.

My phone started ringing. I rushed to pick it up. "Hello?" I answered the phone without looking who it was. "HEY Y/N I AM ALMOST THERE" Millie said loudly. I heard music playing. She was probably driving and had her radio on. "Yay thank you so much Mils! I'll see you soon" I replied. "OF COURSE Y/N. WE'RE LIKE BESTIES" She screamed energetically. 

"AW THANKS MILLIE! I'LL HANG UP SO YOU DON'T CRASH" I said happily and hung up right after she replied. "I don't know how I would crash but bye!" She said as I hung up. Its dangerous to be on the phone and drive. Unless she had an uber? I decided not to waste my brain on useless information and finished brushing my hair.

Then I got a text. Millie was outside. I grabbed my bag and walked out. When I opened the door I was shocked. There were five black, shiny and expensive looking cars outside. This had clearly brought a lot of attention to the people in the street. "Why so many black cars?" My old neighbour said suspiciously.

I chuckled nervously. "My uh friend is picking me up" I said sheepishly and walked over to Millie. "Why is there like five cars here?" I asked Millie and stared at the car line as she got out. Millie looked at me like I was crazy. "To make sure I don't get kidnapped? I ordered a few cars because of the open space we're going in" She said casually.

"Oh um okay" I tried to act like I understood her famous life. Unsurprisingly she had a driver. So we sat in the back together. "So what have you been doing lately?" I asked her. She smiled. "Well I have to start season four of Stranger Things soon" She started off. "But I've been relaxing mostly" She said. I nodded and felt the urge to check my email suddenly.

"What have you done?" She asks with a smile. "Uh well these past two weeks I've been waiting for an email" I said slowly. Her eyes lit up. "Oh my gosh are you signing up for Stranger Things?" Millie said excitedly. "How did you know?!" I asked her astonished. 

"Well what other reason would anyone need emails" She said jokingly. I laughed and looked out the window. "But won't these cars bring attention to us?" I asked nervously. She raised an eyebrow. "Anything will bring attention to us" She said with a smirk. I waited for more context. 

"Come on Y/n, you are an instagram sensation, recognized from Jimmy and Finns potential girlfriend! Not to mention I am starring in one of the biggest netflix series" She hair flipped an giggled. I never thought about it like that. "Oh" I muttered. "Wait but I'm not  dating Finn" I reasoned. 

She smirked. "You should tell him that" She says and nudges me. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously. She sighed and rested her hand on my shoulder. "Lets see, all he ever talks about is you, he always wants to hang out with you and he likes almost all your ig posts except when you're with guys" She says as if it was obvious.

I thought about it for a moment. I posted hanging out with one of my friends, Kyle. Finn hadn't liked it. But that didn't necessarily mean he liked me? I brushed the thought away. "His mum hates me" I mumbled. Millie frowned. 

"She hates every girl who isn't rich or famous" She said. I felt curious enough to ask. "Does she like you?" I asked her. Millie rolled her eyes. "She said to my face that I wasn't ladylike enough for her son!" She complained. "I only came over to borrow Finns projector" She added. I felt bad. Lauren was so mean.

"Oh lovely we're here!" She said and peered out the window. I looked nervous as a bunch of people were crowded in front. We stepped out together and I realized how nicely dressed Millie was. She looked like a buisness woman, model and summer vibe all at once. Millie smiled and waved at everyone as they all fangirled over her.

Somebody tugged at my sleeve. I turned around to see a girl around thirteen. "Oh my gosh. Y/n can me and my friend take a picture?" She asked excitedly. I tried to hide my surprise. Millie was standing right next to me but these girls wanted a picture. "uh of course!" I smiled and posed for the picture. 

"Thank you Y/n" The girls squealed and ran off. My heart beat fast as people pushed through the crowd for mostly Millie but sometimes me. "I'm sorry everyone but we got to go" Millie said and pulled me with her. There were cameras and reporters everywhere asking questions. Millie told me to ignore them and we pushed through the crowd and into the door.

Instagram Story-Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now