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"Okay, the story with Thanos begins with 2012, having controlled Loki." She gestures to Loki, shocking many including Thor. "But really begins in 2018 with his personal hunt for the infinity stones beginning. This clip is set when 2 of his 'children' come searching for the mind stone on earth."

"That's the thing in his head?" Scott asks pointing to Vision.


"Also for those in the forties these are actually the second group of aliens they fight."

"What!?" A lot of the call out. "When was the first?" Peggy asks more calmly.

"6 Months after I came out of the ice." Steve replies.

The five sit there in shock.

"Anyway, here it is." America states breaking the silence.

(A/N: Video ends at 1:42)

Corvus Clave tries to use his Scepter to break the stone out of Visions head but something distracts him.

"Hands off." Wanda mutters between her teeth. She sends a pulse of chaos magic at him, sending him backwards into a clocktower.

"See I'm not the only Avenger to break a Clock Tower." Kate yells at Clint.

"Fine~." Clint accepts.

Wanda grabs Vision and tries to use her magic to get away but Proxima shoots them down, sending them into a scramble of a mess.

Vision grabs Wanda as the plumber into a train station. The two seperate as the land but Wanda rushes over to him.

"Come on, come on, come on you gotta get up, you gotta get up come on." She repeats.

Vision slowly sits himself up on a fence post while Wanda tries to heal him.

"We have to go." She says.

"No shit." Yelena mutters, making a lot of people stare at her. "What? You were all thinking it."

Nat makes an accepting face. Her sister was definitely back.

Vision signals a no with his head.

"You have to go." He says quietly.

"You asked me to stay. I'm staying." She pants making her Sokovian accent come through a little.

Proxima and Corvus jump down through some glass, making a shattering noise.

Wanda stands up to fight the two as they drag their sceptres along the ground.

Wanda prepares some magic in her hands for the upcoming fight.

An unscheduled train then passes by, gaining the attention on the three.

Proxima throws her spear at the figure as they turn an grab it.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats over who it was.

Steve walks out of the shadows with a stern face.

Obviously people were in shock, this was not the Steve siting in front of them.

Vision and Wanda continue to look back as Sam comes flying in, kicking Proxima into a small cafe.

Sam does a loop and sends some small missiles at Corvus, making him distracted while Steve throws the scepter to Nat.

Natasha runs in and slides behind Corvus, slicing the back of his calves. She then gets up as he tries to take a swipe at her before she stands him.

He groans in pain as she flips over the staff, gaining enough momentum to kick him off.

"Woo! Go Nat!" Clint yelled while Yelena smirked at her sister knowing she could do better.

"Good job." Steve mutters.

Natasha blushes slightly but quickly gains her emotions back.

The scepter flies out of Natasha's hands into Proxima's as she jumps to attack Nat.

Because of how quick it was, Natasha didn't have anytime to react. Thankfully Steve grabbed Corvus' scepter and blocked the attack.

"Quick move Capsicle." Tony comments.

"Capsicle?" Howard asks.

"It's fine, it's not like he hasn't called me that before." Steve comments, smirking.

Tony looks offended by this and pouts.

Steve throws the scepter up making Proxima open to be hit. He hits her back in making her step forward.

Proxima turns quickly and goes for Nat who begins to also fight with her. Steve, Nat and Proxima go at it with each other for a while before Sam comes in and slam kicks her back towards Corvus.

Sam gets out his guns as the three stand over Corvus and Proxima.

"Get up." Proxima mutters to Corvus.

"I can't." He pants back.

"We don't wanna kill you, but we will." Nat says as the clip cuts off.

"Now that's my sister." Yelena says proud.

"Any questions?" America asks as if it was a classroom.

Most of them stay quiet except one who hadn't talked in forever.

"Why is this 'Thanos' after these 'stones'?" Daniel asks.

"Universal piece in his view. He planned to diminish half the universes population with the snap of his fingers." America says gaining some worried looks from those before the fight.

(A/N: Hey! So I actually wrote this yesterday but hey! I'm not bothered to post it so here it is now. I'm actually really proud of the explanation of what Thanos wants. I hope you liked this, I'm planning on doing a run through of all of my favourite parts in Infinity War and Endgame. If you have any edit ideas on the two send them to me I'm trying to do more of what you guys want.)

Published: 19 · 8 · 22

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