Chapter 11 - Crazy Phantomhive

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"My.. head... ugh.." I groaned rubbing my head with my right arm. The fuck happened? Oh right, I got KIDNAPPED by Ciel Phantomhive.


I heard a really weird noise, wait.. was it a whip?! What?!

"(Y/N) (L/N)." A soft manly voice said darkly. He turned on the apparent candles around the room litted up. I could make out his appearance, black suit, black haur, crimson eyes, good-looking butler, I think, and he had a whip.. in his hand.

"We are going to do this clean first, so you better answer my questions truthfully, or else, you know why I have this whip in my hand." He smirked.

I nodded furiously in fear, he could even probably kill me, or rape me. Who knows.

"Your father left you alone in England for business, am I right? Yes. Well, your dear father is responsable for burning down rich nobles' manors. He even kidnapped young ladies for 'fun', if you know what I am saying." He had a serious expression plastered on his face.

"He what..?! He never did such things!" I yelled back, defending my father. He took care of me, he educated and helped my mom raise me. How dare he say that! He got the wrong person!

"Don't play difficult." He raised the whip, ready to hurt my body. I whimpered closing my eyes.

"Sebastian. Enough." Some random voice ordered his butler named Sebastian.

"It was being fun, but, yes my lord." He bowed and left the room in a hurry.

"Sorry for that." He smirked. Wait.. It was Ciel Phantomhive, the one who dared to kiss me like nothing. How dare he?!

"It's you!" I said angrily.

"Well yes, it's me. Forgive me for that unpolite kiss, I had to. The reason you are here is because of your father. What my incoherent butler said to you, was the truth. If you don't believee, I will show you evidence." He untied me, except the rope tying up my hands. He took me to his office I guess.

"The files." He opened his closet, full of paperwork and other things. He took out a small pile of papers spreading it on the desk, while I began reading one.

'England, March 25 1988, Public Police File'
'The Phantomhive manor was burned down 3 days before the police could investigate it's remains. Several handprints, footprints splattered on the windows and the dusty floor. The DNA revealed the criminal to be (Father's Name & Last Name). Husband of one child, married to (Mother's name). This was his last crime before going on a trip to an unknown country, unable to track him down, he escaped England with no trace left to investigate more.'

I couldn't believe my eyes.. was this the truth? Was my dad mentally sick or something similar?

".... No.." I mumbled trying not to have a panic attack.

"(Y/N), I really need you to give me information about him, he had commited many crimes and he needs to be set in law."

I hesitated a bit, he was my father after all but, I had no more pride to call him my father, a murderer.

"Fine.. I remember he used to have meetings with people of 'business', he said, and they always had their reunion in his basement. Also, once, I went inside the basement out of curiosity, finding fire guns and many files in the floor and a closet. It ended me getting punishment from him."

Ciel looked me with a serious expression, yet amusement.

Some time passed while I tried to explain my entire childhood with my father. My conversation with him ended and it was nightime.

"(Y/N), it's very late, stay here for the night, it's dangerous outside."

I wanted to go back, to Claude, but he was right, so I agreeded and I stood in a guest room, as long as he kept his sadistic butler AWAY from me.

~ Time Skip ~
"... Claude." I mumbled while laying in my bed, I wasn't sleepy at all.

I grabbed the bed sheets and tried calming down. My father a murderer, since when?

I sighed. Where are you Claude? I miss you, come here with me. All of this happened since I left my job at the market.


I heard noises coming from the window. I lifted my body up, to be greeted by an angry yet relieved Claude.

"What are you doing here, (Y/N)." He asked on the other side of the window.

How could I explain it to him?

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