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Zhan and Yibo were really confused by the couple's words, but got even more confused when both of them just went off without explaining them what they meant.

Suddenly Tong turned around when she remembered something.

"ZhanZhan! Take Yibo to shopping today. Buy him everything he wants." She stated.

Zhan looked towards her in dread.

"Mom! can't you do that?" He pleaded.

"No baby. I am going to prepare special lunch for my new baby." She said before giving a flying kiss to Yibo, who blushed in response.

"Argh!" Zhan groaned in frustration. He really wanted to bang his head somewhere right now. But his pretty forehead doesn't deserve a bruise. So he cancelled the idea.

He started walking towards his room, not even noticing the little gremlin who was following him close behind.

Zhan stopped at his room door when Yibo suddenly bumped into his back.

"Ouuchie.." He squealed while rubbing his forehead with a pout.

Zhan turned around, only to get a mini heart attack by watching the cute little dumpling cheeks staring at him like that.

Zhan turned around, only to get a mini heart attack by watching the cute little dumpling cheeks staring at him like that

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Zhan closed his eyes and gulped when felt his lil' buddy down there getting hard.

GOD! Just what is this brat doing to him? It was the first time he got hard because of someone.

He took a deep breath before opening his eyes, finding the cute little baby still watching him intensely with those puppy eyes.

"What do you want?" Zhan asked with difficulty, his voice hoarse.

"Mother told you to take me to shopping. So take me." Yibo commanded as it was really normal.

Huh.. Xiao Zhan and taking someone shopping.. Impossible!

"Why should I take you? Go ask someone else." Zhan said nonchalantly before turning again. But before he could move any further, Yibo caught his wrist.

Zhan was really caught off-guard, as he hates unnecessary skinships from anyone except his parents, Zhehan and Ziyi. But this little imp! Truly OUTRAGEOUS!

He must teach this brat a lesson.

Suddenly, an Idea popped up in his mind, making him smirk devilishly.

"You wanna go shopping?" Zhan asked politely to which the younger looking brat nodded vigorously.

"Okay then.. Lets go. Let me get ready." Zhan said while entering his room, dragging Yibo, who was still holding his wrist, with him.

He entered his walk-in closet with Yibo clutching on his wrist tightly. Yibo didn't knew why, but he always felt secured when this urchin was close to him.

His DemiGod  (ZhanYi) Book-1Where stories live. Discover now