chapter one

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nova had moved out of her parents house and into a house closer to her college not long ago. after realizing how hard it was to pay rent on her own she got a roommate who was in her bio class. katy seemed quiet but being that they were partners she sometimes opened up to nova. she told her about how annoying and stressful her family was, which was when the strawberry blond made her offer. it took a bit for katy to accept the offer but she did eventually and they'd been best friends ever since.

the two were very different but always fit together. nova played the piano and violin, interested in trying out lots of other instruments. katy was an art freak. she painted and drew in her free time, at in chance she got in better words. katy was more open and energetic where nova was calm and quite. they neutralized each other very well, they were the perfect people to hang out with.

nova was gently strumming the strings of her violin an early may morning, her eyes reading over the piece of music she wrote when she noticed a u-hual truck back into the driveway of the house besides her. the house had been empty when she moved in and had been empty ever since, so it was exciting to see someone finally moving into it. she grew even more excited when she saw a tall, dark haired boy jumped out of the seat of the truck and walked to unlock the front door. a car and another truck pulled onto the street and a guy got out of each one, one a dirty blond and the other a brunette. she continued gently strumming when there was a knock at her door, her blond roommate walking in with a smile.

"there's people moving in besides us." she said while walking to sit besides nova.

"i saw." katy's hands rested down against the red heads thighs, gently shaking her.

"they're hot.. we should make them cookies." nova giggled and sat her violin back in the case, glancing out of the window once more to see the dark haired boy looking up at the window. katy stood and began walking out of the room as the other two stared at each other. he gave a soft wave and a smile spread across his face when nova waved back, watching him turn and walk back into the u-hual truck. nova briskly walked out of the room and down the stairs, hoping to not raise too many questions from her roommate.

"chocolate chip.. orrr sugar cookies?" nova smiled as she watched the blond girl pulling out the stand mixers.

"i think both.. who knows what they'll like."

"i'll make chocolate chip you make sugar?" she nodded in agreement and got out a large bowl, a whisk then pulled her phone from her pocket. the two both pulled up pinterest recipes for their cookies and got to work. it took them about thirty minutes to get both sets of cookies in the over, coming out with about twenty cookies each. the decided they'd keep half and take half to the group of boys.

as the cookies baked they cleaned up the mess they made, then just scrolled on their phones until the oven went off. nova mixed some icing for her cookies while they cooled off before moving them to an icing rack to spread the blue icing onto the cookies.

the two girls split off while waiting for the cookies to completely cool and went to change into something nicer than sweatpants and a sweatshirt. nova wore a pair of oversized jeans and a big t-shirt, leaving her light red hair down. katy wore a simple sun dress, her hair pulled into a claw clip.

they placed half of each batch of cookies into some container and grabbed their keys before walking out of the door. they noticed the u-hual was gone and there was an extra car in the driveway. they walked through the grass and up the stairs to the front porch, placing three soft knocks on the steel of the door. the dark haired man opened the door and immediately a dark red fell over novas cheeks. he stood over her by several inches, maybe five or six.

"hi, i'm nova.. and this is katy and we baked you guys some cookies, as a welcome gift." he smiled and stepped to the side, holding his arm out to welcome them in.

"i'm seth, and i can go get the other guys." the two nodded and sat at the table of the dining room. after a few minutes multiple set of footsteps came down the stairs. the two guys nova saw earlier and a brunette haired girl came around the corner, smiling softly at the two girls.

"this is nova and katy.. they are our next door neighbors and they bought us some cookies." the shorter of the three males reached his hand out first, shaking his hand with both of the girls.

"i'm parker." he hummed as he shook katy's hand. she smiled at him and her cheeks went bright red. nova giggled at how the two reacted to eachother, reaching out to shake the brunettes hand.

"nova." she cooed, the girl smiling softly.

"peyton." she had a soft country accent, which was not expected by either of the girls. the brunette and blond girl introduced their selves while the last blond shook novas hand.

"i'm jackson." he hummed. he seemed quieter and more stand-off ish than the others.

"what kind of cookies did you guys bring?" parker asked while leaning over the two to look into the container of cookies.

"she made sugar cookies and i made chocolate chip." katy smiled up at the blond. they all migrated to the living room and talked for awhile, everyone just getting a feel for eachother. the two girls learned that seth went to school with them, and that parker went to an online college. they learned that peyton and jackson were dating, which explained why he was so stand-off ish in the beginning. parker stood to get the remote and redirected to sit with katy, nova flashing her a smirk.

"we ordered pizza a while ago, you guys should stay and have dinner with us." seth said as he reached behind nova to grab his phone and kept his arm around her shoulder.

"says its five minutes away." nova rested her head against his arm, the dark haired male smiling down at her. a few minutes later seth went to open the door, sitting the pizzas on the kitchen counter. they all got pizza and watched the rest of the movie parker turned on, the girls decided to get going after around an hour and a half. seth followed them to the door when he stopped and walked to the kitchen.

"wait, your containers." he said while looking for the box with their containers.

"it's fine, you can bring them back once you finish the cookies." nova pulled open the door and katy walked out with one last wave to parker, seth watching as the two girls walked back to their house. he waited for them to get inside before closing his door.

"oh.. my god." katy squealed, jumping in excitement. nova joined her excited jumping, holding her hands.

"they were so nice." she said while stomping her feet, katy giggling at their little celebration. they went up to novas room and talked for awhile before getting changed into sweats, returning back to her room to watch a movie. the redhead got up to put her music in its binder, glancing across the way to see seth sat in the window, a guitar sat in his lap. she smiled and refocused on what she was doing before getting back in the bed.

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