chapter three

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it was an early july morning and she was getting ready for school, dressed in a simple crew neck sweatshirt and some black leggings. her light red hair was pulled into a messy bun and she wore light mascara, just so she didn't look as tired as she felt. she came down the stairs to see katy making breakfast. the blond seemed to always make them breakfast before school because she knew if she didn't nova probably wouldn't eat until when they got home.

"bagel or croissant." katy hummed, turning to look at nova.

"uhh, a croissant please." the blond nodded and split a croissant in half then placed it into a toaster.

"think we should get seth.. sense we're all going to the same place?" katy asked, placing a bagel into the other two slots of the toaster.

"well... i guess that would make sense." nova muttered, resting her head against the counter. katy continued to assemble their breakfast sandwiches and wrapped them in some parchment paper before cutting them in half.

"here you go." she cooed, filling both of their tumblers with ice water and grabbed an extra two bottles of water. she slipped novas tumbler and one of the water bottles into the pockets on the sides of her backpack.

"thanks mom." nova joked, beginning to walk towards the door. as she opened it seth walked down the stairs of his house, nova immediately smiling softly.

"hey seth!" she whisper shouted, knowing it was too early to be loud. the ravenette turned and smiled, waving softly at the two girls.

"you should ride with us.. we're all going to the same place." katy said while walking to her car. nova nodded in agreement and that's when the dark haired male made his way towards katy's car. he climbed into the back seat and pulled on his seatbelt.

"thanks, i really did not want to drive today." katy hummed in response and nova turned to look at him.

"have you had breakfast?" she asked, the ravenette shaking his head.

"you can have half of my sandwich, i normally don't eat it all anyways." she handed him the half she hadn't started eating. katy chuckled softly at the two as they neared the campus. eventually they arrived and to novas surprise seth had the same class as her. which happened with most of their classes except two.

"nova." the ravenette whispered, gently nudging the blue eyed girl. she hummed softly and looked over at him, smiling when their eyes met.

"can you help me?" she agreed quite quickly and leaned over to explain the problem to him, turning to look at him as she finished her sentence.

"got it?" she hummed, the boy only being able to nod. he was captivated by her. how her eyes were so soft and welcoming, he felt like he just couldn't look away from her. her cheeks were a very soft red, her lips softly parted. he just couldn't help himself. he leaned forwards and placed a soft kiss to her lips, watching her body melt back into her seat. he smiled and began working on the problem after the one she helped him with.
after school the three got back into katy's car and the blond split off to go hang out with parker. seth and nova went to her house and up to her room. the redhead plopped onto her bed, sighing contently when the softness of her bed hit her body. seth sat at her desk chair and just watched her with endearing eyes. she was so wrapped up in cuddling into her bed, not even bothering to kick of her shoes. he stood and untied her converse, pulling them off for her. she smiled and turned on her back, opening her arms up for him.

"cmere." she cooed. he smiled and kicked off his shoes, climbing into her arms.

"hi." she cooed, pressing a kiss to his cheeks.

"hi pretty." he cooed, hugging onto her waist. she snuggled into his chest as her hands softly ran through his hair.

"i wanna take a nap." she muttered, feeling the body on top of hers leave. she watched as he pulled off his sweatshirt and folded it neatly, setting it on her desk which left him in a white sleeveless shirt. (a wife beater but i can't stand that name.)

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