chapter twenty

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they'd been back at novas house for three days and it was now new year's eve. katy got the house decorated with parker while noah and nova made cup cakes and chocolate chip cookies. jonah and seth were at the store, in charge of getting snacks and food for their little party. nova felt that may not have been a good idea, the two acted like teenagers when it came to food, but everyone was already busy with their own tasks.

surprisingly the food the two brought back wasn't bad; salsa, guacamole, nacho dip and a spinach dip with chips and drinks, ultimately decided to order pizza and wings as their main dishes. they spread the dips along the island of their kitchen with the cookies nova and noah made.

"need help?" seth hummed, kissing novas cheek. she looked pretty. her red hair pulled into a messy bun, an apron wrapped around her body and a finger print of flour smeared across her cheek.

"mmm, no.. i think i'm okay, but katy and parker may need help." seth nodded and walked to the living room where the two were laying out a few blankets and pillows on the couches and floor for when things were chill.
later the little group they had were all in the living room, writing their new year's resolutions. katy and nova always did this together so they figured why not do it with the group. it was cute to see the odd questions the boys had about writing their new year's resolution.

"do we share them?" seth asked nova, who shrugged in return.

"we share the ones that aren't too personal, i guess more silly ones." he hummed and watched nova recapping her pen.

"well i want a camero." jonah said while resting his hands on his lap.

"really? thought you'd be a truck guy." katy hummed with a softly raised eyebrow.

"well, jeep wrangler is a close second." she smiled and turned to look at parker who laughed softly.

"well, i want to be stronger... maybe grow a few inches." parker muttered.

"to get muscles you actually have to go to the gym." seth teased, a small smirk tugging at his lips.

"why do you think it's a new year's resolution, seth?" parker retorted, crossing his arms.

"i want to take more trips... with this here pretty lady" seth cooed ,wrapping his arm over novas shoulder with a smile. she smiled back up at him softly and reached her hand up to hold his.

"and ditch us?" jackson grumbled, crossing his arms.

"oh you did that with peyton.. let him have his fun." parker said defensively, pulling katy closer to his body.

"i just want to redo my room." katy shrugged, looking around the room to see who's be sharing next

"i want a bigger house, and a puppy." noah cooed, resting his paper and pen on the floor.

"what kind of puppy?"  nova asked with excitement.

"a chocolate lab.. or maybe a golden retriever." nova smiled widely.

"you will always have a free dog sitter." she wanted to get a dog but she thought it would be too much responsibility. they went back and forth like this for awhile before the pizza arrived. they got food and returned back to the living room, turning on a movie as they ate. a few fire works were shot up by their neighbors at around eleven thirty, which caught the attention of everyone in the room. seth was first to stand, leaving the half awake nova confused as to why he got up.

"think they'd mind if we joined them?" seth said while observing the party across the street, asking anyone who was listening.

"probably not.. they always invite us over on the fourth.. maybe they don't want to ask incase we're asleep." katy said while sitting up from parker's chest. he turned to the group that was now sat up looking out of the window.

"you should ask before we all pile out there." jonah muttered, noticing his sleepy sister. he didn't find it necessary to get her up if they weren't gonna be going out there.

"mhm." seth hummed softly, grabbing his jacket from the chair he placed it on early and slipped on his shoes. he was gone for a few minutes before he re opened the door.

"they said the more the merrier... seems like they're having their own party." he sat back down besides nova, who could only smile.

"wanna go?" she nodded softly. they all got up and began getting on jackets and shoes, making their way across the street. nova introduced her brothers to the owners of the house and the few neighbors she recognized before letting them venture off to do their own thing. seth went inside to get some hot chocolate the neighbor had offered them, handing the cup to nova when he came back out.

"thank you." she smiled, tilting her head up for a kiss.

"you're welcome baby." he wrapped his arm around novas waist, looking up as a bright, colorful flash light up the sky. the group was spread out, talking with the other people that caught their interest. fireworks and sparklers brightened the dark sky, laughs and smiles all around.

"sixty second count down!" someone shouted, the countdown being flashed on a wall of the house through a projector. nova hugged onto seth tighter, smiling up at him as the count down continued. they lightly swayed together as the numbers hit single digits. one by one the people counted down until they hit one.

"happy new year!" nova and seth said in unison, connecting their lips for a gentle yet passionate kiss. as they pulled away they laughed, resting their foreheads together.

"i love you, seth." nova cooed, softly rubbing her free hand up into the dark messy hair.

"i love you." he cooed, pecking her lips again.

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