chapter ten

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after the party seth stayed at novas house to help her get ready for bed, putting her heels away and hung her dress up in the closet. he pulled out a pair of pajamas and everything she needed after she got out the shower before he even got himself undressed.

"why are you still wearing that?" he turned to see the redhead coming out of the bathroom.

"thought i'd get your stuff put away and some pajamas for you first." her lips turned up into a smile and she pressed a kiss to his lips, walking to sit on the edge of her bed.

"thank you." she hummed. he smiled and unbuttoned his pants, untucking his shirt and pulled it off. he hung his shirt and pants in her closet until he could take them home, taking a quick shower and pulled on some sweatpants. he climbed into bed besides her, pulling the girl into his body.

"your family is nice." he hummed, letting his eyes fall closed while taking in her sweet scent.

"jonah would probably be the hardest to get by.. so i'm glad he liked you." he kissed the top of her head, gently stroking the red locks.

"we should go get dinner or something again, i think you guys would be friends." he nodded in agreement, meeting her eyes as she looked up at him.

"i'm glad you went with me." he grabbed her face softly and pressed their lips together. she slid her leg between his, letting her body press against his. seth pulled his face away from hers, gazing into her eyes.

"i want a second chance." he muttered, tucking the hair out of her face. she knitted her eyebrows together, looking up at him with confusion.

"what do you mean?" he let out a soft sigh.

"i feel like i screwed up.. i know you forgave me but i want to make it better, i want you to know how much i like you without it being shown through sex." she climbed into his lap, cupping his cheeks softly.

"i know you like me seth.. i know." her voice was barely above a whisper, just soft as ever.

"i want a redo on everything.. i want us to have boundaries and i want to know the things that make you uncomfortable, not just find out as i go along.. i want to take in the times we get intimate, and savor them.. not have to do it every day ." she pecked his lips to stop his ranting, feeling how upset he was in the way he touched her.

"we can do that my love, we can start over." he let out an exhale, closing his eyes softly.

"thank you." she hummed, tucking her head into his chest. she was happy that he wanted to do it all over, and actually try to make it better. most guys would just know they fucked up and try to move forwards. she ended up falling asleep to the calm beating of his heart and the way he was softly rubbing her back.

the next morning seth was the first up, gently laying her on the bed before going to make breakfast. he finished about six pancakes before nova was wrapped around his torso, snuggling into his warm body.

"good morning baby." he cooed, leaning down to kiss her forehead. she smiled at him, kissing his chest.

"good morning." she said cheerfully. he began making the eggs and bacon so she could eat. after a few minutes katy and parker stumbled down the stairs, sitting at the island.

"here you go." he handed nova a plate of food, turning to take the pancake out of the pan before making everyone else a plate.

"you guys have plans for today?" seth asked as he poured the last bit of batter into the pan and grabbed a piece of bacon to snack on. parker looked at katy who soon after began talking. he always left it up to her for their plans, he didn't want to seem like he was forcing her to do anything.

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